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"--you're stressed, so just go and take a refresher--"


You peered towards the closed door of your bedroom, from where muffled commotion still reaching your ears. Curious and a little uneasy of what you might found, you peeked out from your room onto the common quarters to see Jungkook and Namjoon, the former storming inside the house with a permanent scowl on his face, and the latter looking tired and distressed.

"Hey. Come on, let's order in something and we can play some games while we relax and eat, yeah?" The older male tried to persuade, voice soft and gentle.

"I don't have time," the raven haired boy bristled, shrugging off the comforting hand on his shoulder, and stomped his way onto the hallway, momentarily stopping as your gazes met.

"Um, is everything okay--"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, adjusted his grip on his backpack, and completely ignored you before wrenching his bedroom door open and slamming it close with unneeded force. The loud noise made you wince, and mere seconds later Taehyung's head poked out from his room, his eyes heavy with sleep and hair mussed with a severe case of bedhead.

Namjoon sighed as he rubbed his temples and eyed the both of you, but especially you, with an apologetic and yet tense smile, "Sorry. I think he's stuck with his assignment and is in a bad place. Ignore him, alright?"

You nodded. Taehyung grunted and smiled sleepily at you. Cute, you mused.

"Hey, do you wanna cuddle?"

The question was so unexpected and out of nowhere that your brain short-wired. With your mind being in such befuddlement, you could only manage a jumbled series of unfinished words, and in the end, settled for a confused sound instead of an answer, "I--Wh--Cuddle--M-Me?"

"Taehyung...," the blond's voice was low and reminding, making the addressed boy's lips pucker into his signature sulky pout.

"But Hobi hyung and Jimin went for dance class, and Jin hyung went to that business party thing..."

The soft sound of piano tinkled softly in the hallway, and Namjoon gestured to a door, "Yoongi hyung's in."

"Hyung, what I'm lacking is sleep, not desire to live."

You snorted and choked back a laugh. Taehyung gave you another endearing weak grin.

"Well then, it seems like there's no other choice."

"Right? So me and [F/N]--" Taehyung's grin slipped from his face when Namjoon stalked towards him resolutely, bag in hand, "Hyung, what are you doing?"

"What? You want someone to cuddle with. I can do that."

The ash grey haired male's expression morphed into a protesting frown, "No! Hyung, you always kick and punch and steal the whole bed in your sleep! I'd rather sleep alone!"

"Oh, c'mon, you big baby," the blond grinned somewhat evilly, as he pushed the younger male into the room, but not before turning towards you and motioned towards Jungkook's door, "Could you check on him later? Just make sure he doesn't combust into flames. He's pretty strung up because his laptop broke while he's working on his assignment."

You nodded and waved the two off with a soft 'good night' as the door closed, muffling Taehyung's disagreeing whines and an annoyed shush from Namjoon. Your cheeks still sizzled from the random suggestion from Taehyung, but remembering Namjoon's words, you stood in contemplation against your doorframe as you eyed Jungkook's bedroom's door.

Each day that passed, you honestly felt as though you were getting closer to all the boys, except him. You've had your shares of conversations, but they were all short and meaningless small talks. You didn't know why he avoided you when you barely interacted with him. More than once, you've offered to watch or accompany him play his games, hoping the setting would make him more comfortable, but he always had an excuse to reject your invitation. He seemed to be afraid of you, and would treat you as if you didn't exist, so you just naturally treated him with the same attitude after some point.

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