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"[F/N], open up."

You blinked slowly, eyes hazy from sleep.

"Yah, are you still asleep?" The muffled voice paused and chuckled, "We're soulmates, I swear. I'm coming in, alright?"

The door creaked open, and you groaned, feeling the pounding headache from having slept too long hammering the back of your head. Your arms pulled the blanket up over your head as you tried to recollect your consciousness.

All you did lately was sleeping. The habit just added in to your exhaustion somehow, but still, you slept. The boys didn't seem to mind at all, though. Taehyung kept trying to sneak in for cuddles at night, and so you were quite used to having someone barge into your room by now.

"Geez, c'mon Aurora, your prince came and you're hiding behind your blanket? How am I going to kiss you to wake you up?" Yoongi's teasing tone made your cheeks warm up, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you flustered. You still haven't forgiven them for doing what they did. You doubt you would ever forgive them, honestly.

You could feel the mattress sinking as he sat down on the edge of your bed.

When he spoke, his voice was gentle and you couldn't help but listen attentively. You've never heard him use such a fond tone.

"I have something for you."

Curious and a tad nervous, you shifted and pulled your blanket down onto your shoulder, before turning to face him.

Only, he wasn't alone.

A familiar looking poodle with dark brown fur stared up at you from his place on top of the bed. You've seen lots of dogs in your life, but you were sure you've seen this one before. A certain dog cafe's name flashed by your mind, and you couldn't help but gasp in shock.

Yoongi's signature gummy smile appeared when he saw your previously dull eyes widening, the sparkle he so much loved coming back against their beautiful color. The small dog tilted his head at the awed expression on your face, and you felt your heart burst into teeny tiny little pieces at the adorable gesture.

"Remember him?"

"Yes!!" You squealed, all thoughts forgotten except for the small poodle curiously watching you, "Holly, come here! C'mere, pup!"

The small animal sniffed your hand, cautiously at first, and wagged his tail in recognition before smooshing his small head onto your abdomen. You cradled the puppy lovingly, and soon enough he jumped up before starting to lick your face.

Yoongi could feel his heart melt at the sight. He never saw himself as a family oriented man, being always swamped with his work and spending most of his time in his self-converted studio. But he couldn't help to reimagine the precious moment in his head.

An older you holding his child.

He blinked, stowing the imagination at the back of his head, before focusing back at the present. If he wanted you to choose him, first he had to be the one who pulled you out from this slump.

"Do you feel better?"


Yoongi's eyes bore through your clueless gaze, and you realized you've ever only seen him this worried whenever he was thinking about his songs. But now he was worried about you.

Yoongi noted the sluggishness in your movement and the bad complexion of your skin. Your health was deteriorating, and he didn't like that one bit. But forcing you to go out from your room to eat and exercise also didn't sit well with him. You had to get better, and he wanted you to realize that you could depend on him, that he was able to keep you safe.

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