forty. [[ run | kth ]]

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[[ run. ]] | stay.

knj. | ksj. | myg. | jhs. | pjm. | [[ kth. ]] | jjk.

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Luxury was the silky smooth fabric of his tie slipping past his fingers as he adjusted them for the lenses desperately aimed at his and his masterpiece.

Pride was the exhilaration when praises after praises rained down upon him as more and more people swarmed in to view his paintings.

Saccharine was the words falling out from his fans and the exhibition's sponsors as they talked about how valuable and unique his work was.

He simply stood beside the piece of art with a stunning smile. The media went crazy, flashes of cameras going off as the photographers thirst to capture his profile: a painter who was as unique and beautiful as his paintings. Among the works displayed, his art stood up the most, and no one could seem to describe why.

And yet everyone would ask the same thing, over and over again: "How did you manage to come up with such a enchanting painting?"

His answer was always the same:

"Because I have my muse with me."

The velvety material slithered down the cushion as he threw them away along with his suit. His fingers fiddled with the cuffs of his shirt, pulling them open and up his arms. He walked down the usual route in his house as he hummed merrily, his head filled with the thoughts of you.

His feet tapped softly against the polished wooden floors as he descended. Flipping his palm upwards, the brunette unclasped his bracelet before taking one of the small decoration-like object hanging on its chain and pressed them against the sensor. His other hand grabbed the door handle and pushed, a smile already stretching his lips.

"I'm home, petal!" Taehyung called out to the dark room.

The light seeped in from the open door and his grin grew when saw your silhouette. His hand found the light switch and flicked it on. The brightness flickered before fully turning on, and in the dim light, he stepped into the room.

Paintings and drawings of you filled the walls and the ceilings. Canvases, sketchbook papers, napkins, every surface imaginable where he could draw on, memories and photos containing the two of you, they were hung and plastered all around.

And at the center of it all sat you, his greatest masterpiece.

Truly, his paintings and sculptures pales in comparison of your eternal beauty.

He sighed in content as he admired you, the shadows enhancing your features and the light flawlessly bouncing off your skin, so pleasing to the eyes. A swell of jealously rose up as he thought of other people being able to take a mere glance of you. If the mere sight of your blood could entrance everyone else, then what would they do when they lay their eyes on you?

They would take you away from him.

Over my dead body.

Taehyung blinked rapidly as he caught himself in his train of thoughts and smiled brightly at you.

"Oh, I'm sorry, [F/N]! I got lost in my head again! It's been a long day-- well, a fun day, but a long day nonetheless! And you have to hear this! They say my work is absolutely subliminal and they're offering me to have my own exhibition next year!" He gushed, playing with your fingers as he rambled animatedly.

The painter closed his eyes and kissed your hand gently, eyes soft as he stared up into your eyes, "It's all because of you, you know? You give me so much inspirations, just by being here. Whenever I feel down or sad or uncreative, drawing you just resets my state of mind. Did you secretly perform magic to me, hmm?"

He chuckled, "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you did. I'm so smitten with you, it's crazy. And having a witch as a girlfriend sounds pretty cool, don't you think?"

"A lot of girls keep trying to ask me out, you know? I keep telling them I have someone I'm devoted to, but they can't seem to take a hint. You're so much prettier than any of them, raindrop! Both inside and outside! I'm so lucky I can keep you all for myself now. Please don't ever be jealous, because no one can ever enthralls me as you do! .... What's that? You understand? I'm so glad! My lovely girlfriend is so understanding and I'm so lucky~"

"--Ah. You're right, I've been rambling too much, haven't I? I didn't even taken a shower before coming in.... Thank you for reminding me! You're so caring, my petal," he smiled up at you after glancing at the smartwatch on his wrist. He pressed one last kiss to your cold lips and brushed back your hair neatly before stepping back towards the doorway.

Taehyung eyed your unmoving form as he pulled the door close from outside the room. His glazed eyes fondly appreciated the stillness, and his heart rejoiced at the fact that you would be waiting for him when he returned.

"We'll talk again later, okay, petal?"

The light flickered off.

And the door



You're his. You're his only happiness, therefore you have to belong to him, and he's determined to keep it that way.


until he joins you in death's embrace.

※ ※ ※

A/N: Forgive me for the late / sparse replies of your comments! I swear I've been reading them all -- it's just that I've been working from home and I'm trying to spend time with my family before I have to go back to SG ;w;

Oh, I've also renamed the ending chapters so that yall can easily find them!

Votes and comments are, as always, so much appreciated ♡

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