forty one. [[ run | jjk. ]]

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[[ run. ]]  |  stay.

knj. | ksj. | myg. | jhs. | pjm. | kth. | [[ jjk. ]]

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Your head felt like it was splitting into a hundred pieces, and those hundred pieces were screaming at you right inside your mind as they split into another hundred.

Damn it.

The deep groan leaving your throat was such a contradictory noise against the bright chirrups of birds outside your room. Not that you would knew about it, being deprived of a window in your prison. Your body twisted as it tried to scramble up despite your sluggishness, and you dazedly stared at the blank concrete wall. Despite the nonexistence of sun rays filtering through your 'room', you knew it was probably morning. You could never sleep soundly ever since he brought you to.... to wherever this was.

You had cried yourself to sleep every single time, but last night was the worst yet so far. You had exploded almost quite literally, shouting profanities and wishing death upon your captor from the complete isolation and unwanted love you were forced to have and take.

It didn't even move your heart when you saw him cry this time. Why should you care if they never cared about what you wanted? You should've been doing this since the start. There were no reasoning with them; it was stupid to hope that things would change back to normal. You had to have the courage to break free and escape, and you realized it far too late.


Today is the day.

Today, you're pulling yourself out from the stupid rope and climbing into the goddamn vent if you had to.

You knew it was a stupid idea. Wrenching yourself out from the tight rope would probably hurt like hell. You had no idea when Jungkook would come in the room. There were barely any furniture you could actually move around to climb on and aid your escape.

I don't care.

What's the worst that could happen? Death? Better than being trapped here with a damned psychopath.

Before you could control yourself, you were already trying to yank off the ropes on your hand. By a miracle granted by whoever it was controlling this world, you managed to slip your hand off the knot without breaking any bones. Maybe it was the adrenaline, but the raw skin on your wrist didn't seem to hurt as much, so you decided to get to work immediately.

The dresser looked like something you could push. It was afterall almost empty despite the size. You tested with a push. It moved, but the sound was horribly loud against the floor. Heart pumping, you stared at the door with wide eyes, half expecting Jungkook to storm in.

The wooden panel stayed shut.

Sighing in relief, you resumed pushing, until the furniture lined with the opening of the vent.

This was a stupid idea.

You climbed up onto the dresser and exhaled nervously before standing up to your full height. Fortunately for you, the object you were standing on was quite stable. With a newfound burst of confidence, you raised your arms and traced around the air vent's rusted cover. You couldn't believe your luck when they gave out as you pulled them off, leaving you full access to climb in.

It's going to be so dusty and dirty and who knows what creatures lurks in there-- you stopped your thoughts and braced yourself for the worst.

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