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A/N: As always, thank you so much for the overwhelming love I received for the previous chapter! I'm glad everyone loved the first climax of the story!! Yes, I do see every single one of your comments and I appreciate them so much 💜I've really exhausted myself today, so I'll be replying some of them tomorrow, sorry for that :x

If you want to, read an extended author note in the comment here (it's about some possible extra contents, kind of?), cause I feel bad spamming people with long author notes...


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You couldn't get a wink of sleep.

The mattress was soft, and the sheets as smooth as silk. The temperature was perfect for sleeping, the house was quiet, with the crickets outside chirping peacefully in the background. In any other situations you would have slept soundly, but now you were suffocated by the darkness, by the perfect living space of your jail and the knowledge that there were seven dangerous males living under the same roof as you.

Their words kept repeating inside your mind. Every single one of them told you they did this because they love you. You refused to believe them. You wanted to make yourself believe they were genuine; it would certainly make your life easier, but this wasn't love. You didn't want to think of robbing someone from their life and forced imprisonment as love.

A large part of your brain tells you not to trust them anymore. Not after how they nonchalantly brought you here against your will. Who knew what they would do next? This wasn't the time to be selfless. You had to think and act for your own sake now. A huge part of your heart still denied this reality, however. You've lived with the group for two months-- surely the boys you've known and grown to love within that period of time were real, and not just your delusions? The more you thought about it, the more dilemma you felt; it was as if you were trying to grasp water.

Of course you've thought about escaping. Nevertheless, doing it on your own seemed impossible, given the condition of your room. It was right at the end of the hallway on the second floor, meaning you had to pass through some of doors which probably were the boys' rooms, climb down the marbled staircase in dark before reaching the living room, and finally, the exit. You've known enough from your time living with them that Yoongi and Jimin were light sleepers and would wake up no matter how quiet you thought you were being. And even if you were able to pass through them, how would you unlock the front door without waking them up? You hadn't seen any keyholders nor keys for that matter.

The window in your room didn't seem like a feasible option either. You would have tried to climb down the second floor, if not for the bars installed firmly against the exterior. What was supposed to be an instrument meant to keep children safe had turned against your favor and diminished your chances to escape.

Other than that, there were no other options you knew well enough to take. You were alone, confused, lost, and scared. There was no way you could've slept knowing all the events that had happened in the past twenty four hours you were awake. Honestly, what was the point of getting out of bed? You didn't want to meet your captors.

Maybe if you stubbornly remained cooped on your bed, they would give in to your request.

As you tossed and turned in your bed, the sun rose, inch by inch, ignoring the turmoil inside you. When it had reached its highest point in the sky and you felt its light filter through the curtain, a series of knocks came from the door.

"[F/N], aren't you hungry? I made lunch, and it's your favorite!"

You curled in bed and looped the blanket over your body, willing yourself to suppress your hunger. Normally the thought of eating Seokjin's home cooked meals would make you spring to your feet immediately, but to be really honest, all his actions yesterday.... He seemed like a totally different person.

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