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A/N: Hey lovelies, just a heads up: The next one or two weeks will be busy weeks for me (mostly because of family events) so there won't be any main chapter posted. I'll try my best to post after one week (15th/16th), but no promises for now. I will still be posting the extra chapters cause they're all set and ready to go, but I don't think I'll have time to beta and post the main chapters. Thanks for your understanding

And I know this is kind of a shorter chapter compared to usual, but the timing's just nice and it's somewhat a prelude to the next arc, so.... Enjoy nonetheless! :)

Also, if you find loopholes please don't think too much about it, alright? ^^''

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You were exhausted.

You've honestly lost track of time. When did you last attended your classes and slept in your dorm room? How long has it been ever since you were taken in and brought here by the boys? Did it even matter anymore?

You hadn't had any good sleep, your appetite was waning and becoming close to nonexistent by each passing days, and you were just tired of it all. Tired of resisting. Tired of playing the victim. Tired of thinking of how to escape.

Every excuses, every loopholes you found, they would come back with something which shut off your escape route.

Your so called family and school might worry about you? Not anymore apparently. You were announced missing, and for some reason the police suspected it was a suicide, which meant no second or third party were involved, which also meant that it was unlikely for them to track you further. They would've never imagined you were in Korea, being held captive in quite the massive sized house with other seven guys.

Someone might have seen you in the airplane, or by whatever transport you arrived in, right? Most probably not, since you've learned that Seokjin's company had enough funds to spare him a personal jet, a private car, and more to ensure that you entered legally with your new identification documents. You remembered clearly how he used to nag on Jungkook when the younger boy borrowed ten bucks from him. But then again, he was always the one who took care of expenses, so you supposed he was quite well off, but still! You didn't know he had that much money.

Since you were a tourist, of course your stay would be limited, and eventually you would have to exit Korea, right? Not exactly, seeing as you had gained a permanent residence permit you had never applied for, and were registered as a worker in Jin's office. You've heard them remark casually that it would be easy to turn you into a citizen soon enough, as soon as you chose your husband.



What in the fresh hell??

"Well, of course you'll eventually choose one of us," Namjoon raised his eyebrows at your dumbfounded look, "We're playing nice for your sake, for now. Most of us doesn't fancy sharing with each other, especially when it comes to you. But we know you're confused and still in the process of adapting. It's not easy; that we understand-- hence, we'll give you time."

"Don't make me wait too long, though," Yoongi sighed lazily from his spot at the sofa, unbothered by the sharp glares given to him by the others.

You were just.... exhausted.

Why did you resist again, in the first place? You knew this whole arrangement was fucked up, but what could you do about it anyway? It was one powerless little girl against seven young adults, all with different charms and capabilities and power. Was it even worth it to fight them?

Should you just accept your fate and resign to whatever it has in store for you?

"Your appetite is still low?" Seokjin asked, soft and worried as he placed a hand on your forehead, "I really should call a doctor. You're already looking very pale, and you've lost weight, too...."

"I loved your cheeks....," Jimin mourned, but added quickly, "I mean, I still love them now! Don't get me wrong, you're still really pretty, [F/N]...."

"What should we do to make you feel more at ease, Angel?" Hoseok asked, eyes drooped in worry.

You didn't answer. You hadn't bothered trying to communicate with them these days. But the worst part was that you wanted to. You wanted to go back and enjoy throwing playful banters, watch them make a fool of themselves just to make the others laugh, wanted to be able to care for them just like how they cared for you.

Taehyung silently pushed away his half-finished meal and stood from his chair. You stilled when you felt his presence behind you, fearing the worst. Did you finally annoy him with your continuous ignorance? You remembered his uncharacteristically blank and silent leer. The side of Taehyung you wished you never knew. What was he going to--

Gentle fingers picked up strands of your hair. Both anxiety and shock skyrocketed your heartbeat as he gently smoothed out the tangled parts and parted them into sections, before you felt gentle pulls and tugs. The sensation was foreign and yet, coupled with the melodic hum of Taehyung's voice, was somehow soothing. Slowly you felt your muscles relax.

It felt..... nice.

"Ah, your hair is so silky, [F/N]," the art major hummed in delight, "Will you let me style your hair every morning? I'll learn to do all kind of braids and hair styles! I want to make my petal even prettier~"

"I'll buy the flower pins! They'll look lovely on your hair, noona!" Jungkook jumped at the idea, beaming at the image.

For the first time since you've been brought here, you looked up to actually observe the boys.

Namjoon was observing you, a small smile on his expression.

Seokjin's lips curved upwards in a gentle slope as he reached over to refill your half empty glass.

Yoongi's eyes fixated on his food, as stoic as usual until he met your gaze, his eyes softening, grumpy scowl replaced with a tiny smile.

Hoseok beamed across you, bright and sunny like the sun and rainbows combined, heart shaped smile revealing a row of pearly whites.

Jimin's hands cupped around his face, eyes studying you carefully, an apologetic smile thrown your way, and somehow you knew he was apologizing for dragging you down to dinner despite your rejection a few minutes prior.

Taehyung giggled as you felt him took a few strands of your hair before rubbing them between his palms, making them stand up awkwardly-- you've seen him do this to the others, and you couldn't stop the endearing teasing from making your heart melt.

Jungkook was eyeing the boy behind you with a small pout, but it bloomed into his signature rabbit grin when he saw you looking at him, a slight pink dusting his fair cheeks.

Despite everything they did, putting aside the fact that you did resent them for bringing you here by force....

Why were you starting to feel like this truly was your home?

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