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A/N: *rubs eyes* *squints* Uhm 200k views??? #1 in jeonjungkook tag??? Wh???? How??? I'm literally shocked here oof yall are so sweet I don't deserve this ahhhhh tHANK YOU (ω)

Oh, Hoseok stans? Here's what I promised yall.

e n j o y : )

WARNING: description of violence, blood, gore, sexual innuendos
(..... oh boy I went all out in this one did I?)

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He prides himself as a loyal man. He's always been devoted to the things and people he loves: the boys (although that's kind of wavering ever since they started slobbering all over you -- for fuck's sake, can't they see he's the only one who can properly take care of his sweet Angel?), dancing, Supreme, his fashion style, and most of all, you.

Oh, you.

You with your angelic smiles and laughs and beautiful voice. The endearing expressions and gestures you make whenever you were around him. Your selfless sacrifices, the tender caress of your fingers when they came in contact with his skin, and the way the sun creates a divine glow over your form in the afternoon. Even the panicked expression you wore when you were in a predicament was so lovable. He could just imagine how precious you would look when you're backed onto a corner with no escape, completely at his mercy and all his to take as he showers you with kisses after kisses, bites and loving touches--


He wishes to give you everything you ask for. It has firmly became one of his goals in life. You're his queen, and he is all yours to command. He'll gladly play both the role of your doting king and loyal knight, because while he's the only one worthy to stand by your side, he has to take the utmost care in ensuring your safety.

He doesn't mind soaking his hands in blood. Oh, he doesn't mind at all.

His eyes stared blankly through the mangled flesh and pool of blood all over the dark concrete.

Dull. Empty. Lifeless.

The screams had long since died, extinguished along with the battered body's soul, yet he still remembers the way the metal sank onto meat and dragged along the filth's muscles. How the dark red blood gushed out after a swift slice into a vein, the sinner's painful gurgle as his vital liquid spilled out from his mouth, the sickening cracks following the harsh dislocation of certain joints. The weight of the knife and the pliers and the scissors and all of his beloved tools felt so *right *in his hand, like the missing pieces of the puzzle to his slowly crumbling away sanity.

His amused chuckle bubbled up from his throat, soon filling the room with a laughter which would have sounded less maniacal, if not for the horribly maimed corpse chained to the chair.






He is the sun.

But they say the brightest lights have the darkest shadows.

And he knows full well what kind of horrid monstrosity lurks in his shadow.

The heavily soundproofed door creaked open as Hoseok exited the room. Three heads turned in succession.

"Had fun?" Jin asked, blank and stern and cold as the wine red haired male nodded and removed the studded mask covering half of his face, the manic excitement still leaving its trace in his eyes and reflected in the shortness of his shallow breathing.

"Just so you know, I'm on cleaning duty and I hoped you wouldn't be so messy, but I guess it was pointless to hope."

"Who's the guy?" Jimin asked, looking at the older boys in curious innocence, although the way he caressed his weapon as he threw the question betrayed the otherwise innocuous picture.

He had to take a few deep, calming breaths, to be able to answer, "One of our neighbour who saw and asked about [F/N]--"

"Oh, that nuisance. Well, why didn't you tell us?" The pink haired dancer frowned, "I would've wanted to land a swing or two....," Jimin glared at the older male, kicking his bat in apprehension.

If he cared enough to give you a 'welcome to the neighbourhood' cake, he was a threat, wasn't he?

"No way. Remember who had to clean up after you kids made a mess last time? Hmm?" Hoseok brushed his bangs and clicked his tongue when he felt the coagulated blood and remains sticking on the strands, "Ah, did I overdo it again?"

"It's been a long time, you probably just lost control," Yoongi watched his friend with a masked worry, "Go shower and rinse out all those gunks."

"And clean the bathroom afterwards!" Jin called out to the dancer's retreating back and rolled his eyes when he only received a lazy wave, "I don't know why I still tolerate you lot."

"Because we love you and you both love us!" Jimin cupped his face and beamed brightly.

Jin stared back at the younger boy, positively murderous.

"..... Hmph. This is why I like Seokjin hyung more. Who was it exactly, anyway? Won't people notice if they're missing?" Jimin decided to ignore the eldest's blank gaze with a huff and turned to Yoongi, "And where's Namjoon hyung? He knows we're doing this, right?"

The mint haired boy shrugged. The eldest of the three sighed and took it to himself to answer the question.

"He's getting us some more sodium hydroxide for cleaning up the body."

"The magic liquid thing?"

"Sodium...? Oh, me and Tae call it the vanishing liquid!"

Jin sighed yet again, mumbling under his breath.

Childish brats.

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