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A/N: Well. You've probably been waiting for this, so...... Here it is..... Enjoy ;)
Warning: Things will get darker from here on out. If you can't handle triggering situations, please don't proceed.

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You stared at the calendar on your phone screen.

Two months.

Tomorrow, it will be two months. Two whole months since you had to pick the boys from the airport. Tomorrow, your friends will return back to their home country. Time passed by so fast, and you were torn between feeling happy (because you will soon have the whole dorm all to yourself again, but honestly you don't know if that was a good thing) or sad (because it meant that you wouldn't be able to interact with the boys directly on a daily basis anymore).

You finally knew why Seokjin insisted on getting all those groceries. The boys had planned a barbecue party tonight, and they surprised you with it as soon as you came back from your evening class, half panting and worried to death because Taehyung had called you and sounded so afraid when he said Jimin had accidentally ingested a mouthful of shampoo as a result of his and Jungkook's prank.

And of course you believed him. Damn his extraordinary acting skill. You could've sworn he was definitely crying when he was on the phone with you.

Yet there he was, smiling that boxy grin of his and holding a party popper as if he didn't almost send you into a panic attack.

You sat him down on his knees on the floor, and gave him a full ten minutes lecture before Jimin took pity on his friend and dragged you to enjoy the party they had set up, and you were weak to the pink haired male's puppy eyes and the mouth watering smell of grilled food, so you relented.

Almost immediately after you got your plate, Seokjin piled it in with mountains of meat and vegetables, nagging about how you must have been so hungry and how the younger kids should've thought of a better excuse.

You listened to Namjoon and Hoseok catching up with each other and exchanging playful banter, forgave Taehyung and fed him a series of meat after you've had enough of him following you around everywhere with his endearing apologies and constant pouting, chilled with Yoongi on the garden bench to take a breather from all the food you had forced down your belly, and watched Jungkook as he danced and fooled around and continued to effortlessly entertain you and Jimin (who had to grab your shoulder for support from all the laughing).

By the time the outdoor party ended and the grill had cooled down, you lot had vacated inside into te common room. Your belly was full to its maximum capacity, your cheeks hurt from laughing, and you were feeling content as you sank into your favorite armchair. The boys sat huddled on the sofa and on the floor, mostly dozing off as they stared into their phones or nothingness.

I'll definitely miss this a lot, you thought sadly. Especially with the upcoming holiday coming up, which meant you would be spending more time in the dorm. The silent, empty, and seven-boys-less dorm.

And then the tranquility was broken by one of the mood makers of the group, his footsteps loud as he scurried onto your side with a grin and a thin white rectangular object on his hand. Suddenly your other dorm mates seemed alert, and you could sense how some of them tried their best to contain their excitement as they watched you.

He giggled and sang your name with that melodic and yet mischievous voice of his, making you sit straighter and watch him in curious expectation.

"Guess what this is!"

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