Still Not Friends

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Waking up, to the ache of my throbbing pussy, a beautiful ache it is but a ache nonetheless. Looking over to the other side of me to see Cai sleeping peacefully and that's good because a bitch is trying to leave. Looking at the cable box to see it's only 7am which is good because I have no clue when we stopped fucking, last thing I remember was that we fell asleep with him inside of me. Easing out of bed, wincing but trying to make sure he didn't hear me, looking around for my clothes and slipping it on.

"Where the fuck is my phone?" I whispered, as I looked around the room. Finally remembered that it's out in the kitchen and I can escape. Walking out of the room and walking to the kitchen to peep my shoes are by the door and my phone, wallet thingy was on the counter. My legs are literal noodles at this point, but I had to walk out this place, grabbing my phone, to quickly get an Uber. Then making my way to the door, grabbing my shoes, just holding them because if you think I can walk in these, you're smoking hot dick. Walking out of the apartment to see kids and parents walk by me to go to the elevator.

"Oh shit, it's Friday" I said, then looking down at what I was wearing or what I lacked and looked back at everyone else, to see I'm going to freeze my ass off. Walking to the elevator as parents judged me and kids aimlessly on their phones as we all waited for the elevator. Looking on my phone to see I have a decent charge and that my Uber is only six minutes away, which I am happy for, because I can go home, wash Cai's dick off of me and go to sleep. The elevator was now here and I stepped on with bare feet, wincing because the tiles were cold as shit.

"Dumbass" a mom whispered near me, I can't even be mad, I am a dumbass. She ain't wrong but she didn't have to be right. This thin as jacket ain't doing a damn thing for me, stepping off the elevator to see even more people and getting more stares.

"I'm gonna kill myself" I whispered, as I waited in the lobby for my Uber, praying to God that Cai doesn't come downstairs.
After waiting what feels like forever my Uber was finally here and I had to run like a convict into the SUV, closing the door behind and shivering.
"Good morning," I said to the driver, he greeted me back and began to drive, checking my phone to see that it's barely 7:30am.
Rolling my eyes and kissing my teeth knowing that Megan thot self not gonna be awake. Oh well I'll enter from the garage.

I am stressed to say the least

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I am stressed to say the least. I'm so zoned out that I'm not even paying attention to my surroundings, which is bad. I really had sex with my bud man, I don't know how to feel.

We're finally in front of my lovely home and I see Meg's car but I know the bitch is knocked out.

"Thank you" I said, as I stepped out of the car and ran to the garage to the key pad and shivered as I typed the code in.

"Sssshhhiiit" I said as the garage door opened and waited till it hit a decent height so I can bend under and walk in, jogging up to the actual door to the house.

Walking in to the house, to see articles of clothes on the floor that leads up the stairs and I'm assuming goes to Meg's room.

Walking up the stairs as I get warmed up, to my warm room stepping over the clothes that were laid all over.

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