I Can't Leave Him Alone

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A few weeks have gone by since him and I called it quits. I was hurt on multiple levels because he was also my Budman so now I haven't smoked since then and that sucks. I haven't had sex since then which sucked, the school was over and I passed my finals like the smart bitch I am. I have been keeping myself busy with the online store, it's summer so business is booming, even more, Meg is off on some date that probably has not ended seeing at it is 1 am and the bitch is still out. Awake, getting these packages so Meg can drop them off in the morning when she comes back. I still think about Shooter from time to time, especially during those extremely horny nights, I gave up on my vibrator because it's not the same, so I just drink NyQuil and go to sleep. I see his ass on the gram, I don't like shit but he looking fine as ever, he's doing well honestly, dropping music here and there, getting the attention he deserves.

Getting annoyed with the fact that legs are falling asleep from sitting on this hard ass floor for too damn long, a knock breaks through my already low tolerance.

Kissing my teeth because I know it's Megan's dumb ass seeing her house keys on the coffee table that she refuses to attach to her car keys, sitting next to my wine glass and the half-empty wine bottle, so I am a bit off the wine.

"How yo dumb ass--" I began to say as I opened the door because of this bitch dumb, only to look up to see Shooter, in all his glory.

It's pretty hot outside even though it's late as hell, so he's wearing grey shorts and a tee, with a smooth pair of sneakers and his signature bandanna. The sight of him already had me wet and he didn't even speak, well I don't think he did, because I can't hear him. All I can hear is the pounding sound that my pussy is making, it's been so damn long since I've been touched so just seeing him when I am barely hanging on to my sanity isn't fair. I looked a little different from the last time he's seen me, I've been depression eating so my butt and thighs are thicker but my stomach is pretty much the same, it doesn't help that I am wearing a thermal bodysuit and my lion hair is out, just the way he loved to see it. He looked me up and down and stopped at my thighs, I missed when my thighs were his earmuffs.

"Hey," I said with my voice cracking a little as I tried to compose myself.

I guess I broke him out of his gaze because he snapped right out of it and looked at me.

"How you been?" He asked.

"I've been fine, why are you here?" I asked.

"You texted me," He said, confused by my question, his voice is still as deep and I want him to rap a verse to my clit as he multitasks eating it.

"Um, no I didn't" I said, because I would've remembered, he shows me his to see my name is still 'my baby' and boom, you see "me" telling him "come over so we can talk", knowing good and damn well it was Megan's dumbass that did that.

"Come inside, it's hot," I said, directed him, it's awkward.

"I see you're busy," He said as he looked at the living room floor to see clothes and packaging everywhere.

"Yea," I said as I scratched my head and sat on the floor and got back to work.

"I can come back later," He said.

"Nah you can help, have a seat," I said pointing to an empty spot on the floor. He sits down and picks up clothes and begins to fold it as I watched him, I shook my head and put some things in an already labeled bag.

Looking at my list to double check that I have everything for this bag to be completed to see I am missing one item, looking around me to find these damn tiny red frames and I am surrounded by fucking blue and orange, looking up to him to see he is surrounded by multiple red frames.

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