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It's been a couple months since I found out I was pregnant, I went to the doctor a couple days after the whole studio situation and turns out I was 2 months pregnant and my baby is healthy and happy. It's crazy that I'm a mother, I don't have the time for the fuck shit. I'm a fucking mom and a boss mom at that. It's Thanksgiving break so I'm out of school and we're having a Black Friday sale since the week prior and shit is getting sold out and FAST, plus I gotta shop and cook for Thanksgiving.

Megan and Bri are here, clearly because Megan is co-owner but she sort of taken a seat back from the business so I'm the sole owner by buying out her share and hiring her as an assistant or something. Bri's been talking about wanting a piece of the boutique pie but I'm going to give her a taste of this rush so she can get an idea of how this operates. I'm about 4 months pregnant so I can still move and shit but these motherfuckers are making it hard for me to breathe, they are always on top of me. Bri is more of monitoring the site to see what products are getting sold out the fastest and keeping tabs on what region wants what more and Megan is making sure we have enough inventory because our basement is huge and is our warehouse.

"So how is my little nugget?" Bri asked, Megan is in the basement right now.

"Well nugget is fine, chilling while you bitches got me fucked up, now can I help?" I asked, trying to reach for the laptop, the coon snatched it from me.

"No. How has Shooter been doing with the pregnancy?" She asked.

"He's been fine, I mean I don't know how someone is supposed to be, because it's not like we're TOGETHER, but we're together. He's always been on top of me, but he's been sorta giving me space, I think" I said more confused, more as I speak.

"Aww, hun don't cry," Bri said as she moved closer to me giving me a hug.

I didn't even know I was crying.

I felt someone give me a hug and I know it's Megan.

"Aight get off me," I said not wanting to be babied.
They moved away from me and laughed at what I said.

"Anyways, what we doing for thanksgiving, because I don't feel like flying back home," I said.

"You wanna have a dinner here?" Megan asked and Bri looked at me because she's been wanting me to cook for the longest.

"Thanksgiving is literally a couple days away, y'all think we can pull that off?" I asked because I'm not against the idea.

"Yes, we can, we just gonna have to get everything today though," Bri said, looking happy that I'm cooking.

"Ok, I'll make a list of what I'm gonna cook and y'all make a list of people y'all wanna invite. Also y'all helping me cook," I said pointing at these lazy motherfuckers.

They agreed, not like they really had a choice.

45 long minutes later, I had my list together and they were finally done doing their list, we had to argue about who is and who isn't stepping foot in my home, I don't need that bad energy. Throwing on my school hoodie and yoga pants so we can get this food shopping over with.

At least 15 people are coming, and I refuse to have that many leftovers.

"Hurry y'all dumbasses up!" I yelled because I was already about to walk out the front door, they ran down the stairs like some kids and zoomed past me out the door straight to the car. Unlocking the door so they can go in as I locked the house up behind me.

"Hi Maya," My neighbor yelled.

"Hi Greg," I said at his fine ass, something about older white men bruh.

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