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"Girl he the "two in the pink and one in the stink" I think I fucking died," I said continuing the story.

"What else?" She said, po thang.

"He ate my ass," I said as I picked my feet up to put them on the couch.

"Y'all fuck?" She asked.

"Huh?" I asked playing dumb.

"You heard what the fuck I said," she said.

"Yea, we did, condom and all," I said because I don't have the time for her to practically kill me.

"Oooo you nasty bitch," she said slapping my knee.

"You sucked his dick?" She asked.

"Hell no, don't need my baby to ingest cum," I said being deadass.

She laughed but then nodded her head because she knew where I was coming from.

"You spoke to Dave?" I asked.

"Fuck him and the horse shoe shaped baby mother he has, nigga said all that shit about her to just be a dickhead," she said and I dropped the topic, reaching in my pocket for my phone so I can scroll, only to not feel it. Getting up to check all my pockets again, then going through the couch pillows.

"Aye, you saw my phone?" I asked Bri.

"No, go check upstairs," she said and I went to my room and checked my bed even though it's already clean then went to my bathroom to see not shit in there.

Checking in my drawers because my forgetful ass is the type to put it in there.

"Yo, what the fuck," I said whispering to myself.

"I think I left it next do- Hey, Greg," I said as I walked further into the living room to see him standing there with my phone in my hands.

"Hey Maya, you left your phone. Someone named "Bitch Boy" because I thought you were calling to find it, he seems upset, you want me to stay with you to make sure everything is alright?" He asked as he gave me my phone, urgh he's so caring and fine.

"No, it's fine, thanks for my phone," I said as I walked him to the door, he pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead.

"I'm right next door if you need ANYTHING," he said and with that he walked away.

Sitting in the couch getting ready for the argument that I'm going to endure, dealing with this coon.

Just like clock work, here he comes calling me.

Answering the final ring, putting the phone on speaker because he's gonna yell and my ears can't take it.

"Hello" I said very blandly.

"WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT NIGGA??" He said, rubbing my face.

"Lower your voice, because you yelling at me like I'm ya child," I said. I'm really not trying to argue, I'm in a good mood, now that I received some grade A penis.

"MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY, BITCH" I heard him say to someone, I guess the idiot is driving.

"Where are you even going?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"You, since you don't wanna answer the phone," he said, rolling my eyes.

"Get me some snacks on your way here then," I said, he's gonna get it, he's not dumb.

He kissed his teeth then hung up the phone.

Adjusting my socks then laying back in my couch to rub my belly.

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