Huh, Pussy Boy?

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"Huh, well that is interesting news," I said looking at the test in my hands, whew chile this is interesting, I said as I walked out, my bathroom into my room where Meg was waiting for me.

"Well, what does it say?" She asked.

"I'm going to wait to tell him first," I said

"Ok," She said as she walked out to leave me to my thoughts as I wondered what he was going to think after the new I give him.


Waking up to a crashing headache, to the sight of Cai with soup, tea and crackers on a tray.

"Aww, thanks," I said as I took the tray to see the slick shit he had on there.

"Nigga, a pregnancy test?" I asked annoyed like hell.

"Yea, bitch, a pregnancy test," He said.

"Bitch, watch your tone, before I throw this hot ass soup on ya dumb ass. I'm not taking this, so take this bitch back, get a refund and buy ya dumb ass a damn clue," I said throwing the test at his bum ass.

"You said you're pregnant," He said.

"No, bitch, I said 'I MIGHT be eating for two,' there is a difference," I said as I ate the food in my soup.

He got a whole lot of nerve.

"I haven't seen my period yet, but I am sick and that tends to happen, it's been that way for years, if I don't get it by next week, then worry," I said.

Eating my soup as he laid back down next to me, pushing my barely touched soup, losing my appetite.

"Eat," He said.

"No, you fucking caveman, I don't feel like it," I said as I tried to go under the covers but he wouldn't raise up off these sheets.

He sits up instead and picks up the spoon as he force feeds me, not wanting to spill the hot soup over me, I swallowed and he didn't me time to catch my breath and argue, before he put another spoonful in my mouth. He kept feeding me till it was done, and he didn't even bother with the tea or the crackers. He felt my forehead and had a worried look on his face, knowing good and damn well, I had a temperature.

I am beyond tired.

Pulling the covers over my body and laying down and he tried to lay with me.

"No, I don't want to get you sick," I said as he pulled me to him, cuddling me. I feel cold, but I was actually burning, and I need to cool down and I know, I need to.

"Then you can take care of me next," He said.

"Shooter, is ya tub clean?" Asking only because they nigga is too damn friendly with bitches.

"Yes, why?" He asked.

"Fill it up with cold water, I'm going to sit in it, till my fever breaks, no matter what do not let me out till I break it," I said.

He looked at me like I had lost my mind but knew it was the only way, because I told him countless times before what would happen if I can't my temperature and I am not trying to die.

He gets up and goes to the bathroom and I can hear the tub begin to fill and I am bracing myself for the coldness I am about to endure.

"C'mere" He said, as he walked back in and slowly eased me off of the bed, he walked me into the bathroom and played some City Girls to distract me.

"You can do this," He said as he turned me around as I looked to his giant tub filled with cold water.

He kissed me on the back of my head and I picked my foot up, only to damn near fall but he caught me.

"I got you," He said as he placed my foot in the water, and it jolted my nerves.

I was clenching his shirt as he helped me in the water, I was still in my bra and panties, as he sat me in the tub.

"Cai..I can't," I said as my body shivered and I tried to come out of the tub but he wouldn't allow me.

"No," He said, as he pushed me back in the water.

"Cai, no, please don't make me say" I said as I began to cry but my crying made my head ache even more as I continued to shiver.

I tried to close my eyes and listen to the lyrics of the City Girls but their theme songs of fucking a nigga and leaving him broke, aren't doing it for me, right now. I grabbed onto the edges of the tub and dug my fingers in it, the pain from doing that distracted me from the cold, till Cai made me stop.

"Stop, you're hurting youself," Cai said as he showed me to my bleeding fingers and just like that the cold water attacked my attention.

He knew I was struggling and decided it'll be a good idea to ease himself into the cold tub.

"Fuck, this shit cold," He said as he shivered but pulled me close to him, he eased my freezing body.

"No, you'll get sick," I said trying to move, but the bitch nigga wouldn't allow it, and moved me back to him.

"Then you'll take care of me, now shut the fuck up," He said, I hope he freezes. He drew circles on my thighs as we froze in this water together.

"When you don't do bitch nigga shit, you make me like you," I said and threw my head into his chest.

He laughed.

"You're just lucky that I love you," he said and that shit threw my for a loop and I know he wasn't ready for that either.

"You what?" I asked as I picked my head up to look at him.

He touched my forehead.

"Well look at that, your temperature seems to have broken," He said, then he got up to get the bloody thermometer, he came back and stuck that shit under my armpit and we waited and waited, as he avoided eye contact.


He took it and read it out loud, "99.8" he said.

"Come out," he said, as he helped me out of the water and we both changed into clothes, me into his clothes because I didn't feel like digging.

I just want to sleep. And that is what I did.

*Flashback over*

"Heyyyyyy buddy," I said into the phone and he can tell by my tone that I was on that bullshit again.

"What?" He said, nigga not doing anything, so he can chill with his bitchy tone.

"Come over, slick mouth," I said and I hung up the phone before I cursed his ass out.

Now, I just gotta tell him that I'm not pregnant.

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