The Flight

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After a few seconds you sat down to fully process what the heck just happened. You met Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, Sam Holland, and Harry Holland. YOU MET THEM. You wanted to cry. Tears of happiness of course. 

"Hey Sweetheart, you're back.", your mom said looking up from her paper. "Who were your friends?"

"Umm... Tom, Harrison, Harry, and Sam." You said unsure if she was going to believe you or not.

"Oh I love the names." 

Oh my gosh she believed it okay I'm safe. Wait, why am I so worried? I'm not exactly lying.. You thought yourself.

"Hold on," she said looking up at you, "aren't those the names of the boys you're obsessed with?"

 Caught. "I'm not obsessed with them mom, I am just a very dedicated fan, who is also very observant." You said stating your point.

"Mhm, okay." She gave you the mom look. The look that also makes you fess up to what actually happened.

"Okay so I just met them and HOLY COW MOM THEY'RE EVEN BETTER IN PERSON."

"You did?"

"Yes! Let me show you the pictures." You took out your phone and showed her. Then you stood up to show her your shirt that they also signed.

"Wow," she said looking at your shirt. "I'm really happy for you Sweetheart. This made your day, huh?"

"Mom, this made my life."

She chuckled. "Good I'm glad you got to meet them." she smiled and looked down at her watch. "If I'm correct our flight leaves in 10 minutes."

Just then over the speakers a lady's voice rang around the airport. "Flight 26 to London will be leaving in 10 minutes."

Your mom started gathering your things. "Mom how did you know when our flight was supposed to leave? Did you look at a website or something?"

"Nope, it's the mom sense."

"The mom-what?" You looked at her confused.

"Well, when you're a mom, it's like you have extra senses. You can tell when something good or bad will happen. It's mostly bad though."

"Oh okay."

You followed her and you guys made your way through the security check, metal detectors, and any other procedure the airport did to ensure safety. As you walked down the long hallway to the airplane, your phone began to buzz. It was Lily.

"Hello?" you answered.


"Wait, you can't drive." You said.

"I have a license! I'm just not allowed to drive... for ...a ... month.." she said trailing off.

"You get grounded again?"


"Ahh. Well I still appreciate you and Matt willing to drive to the airport to find me."

"Of course. NOW TELL US WHAT HAPPENED. By the way you're on speaker so Matt can hear too."

You laughed. "Okay so I was-" 

"Ma'am, you can't use your cell phone." A flight attendant told you.

"Wait, what? Why not?"

"There's been some issues, so you can't use your phone."

"The whole flight?" Your eyes went wide. You've never heard such a thing.

"I'm not sure." she responded.

"Alright." you sighed and continued with Lily and Matt.

"Hey guys, I hate to do this again, but I have to go."

"What why now?" the excitement in their voices were gone.

"A flight attendant told me I can't use my phone because they've been having issues and they don't know if it'll be the whole flight."

You heard their sighs. "Okay. Just be careful AND PROMISE TO TELL US THE STORY WHEN YOU HAVE TIME."

"Okay I will." You smiled. Even though you guys couldn't see each other, you all knew that you guys were smiling.


The line continued and you and your mom finally got on the plane. "Window seat!" you told her and sat down. You loved the window seat. It felt like you were flying. 

Finally. I'm going to London to meet Tom Holland. Again. You smiled. 

You all waited for a couple of minutes and then the plane took off. It was a little bumpy but that was normal. You looked out the window, and began to think how you'd tell the story of how you met Tom, Harrison, Sam, and Harry, to your two best friends who were waiting with excitement.

You put in your earbuds and put on Sweater Weather by the Neighbourhood. It was your song that you listened to when you were content and happy. That was your song. You closed your eyes and the last thing you remembered were fluffy white clouds.

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