Adopted By Magcon.

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Hello. My name is Quinn. I am 15 years old. I have long brown hair and hazel green eyes. I have been in an orphanage since I was 8. My mom died when I was 7 when a drunk driver hit her. And my dad abused me and got turned in by my neighbors. I had no choice than to do this. The foster home I am in right now really isn't any better. My foster mother, Carol, is abusive. Sometimes I deserve the beatings. I cause a lot of trouble. But sometimes she just gets angry and since I am the oldest, she will take it out on me. I self harm. I am 2 week clean so far. But I only do it when I am stressed.  Which is a lot. I am trying to stay clean. But I doubt that will happen because this foster home sucks. The other kids here are young. The only one closest to my age is Sydney. She is 13. I can talk to her about things, especially Carol. Because Carol abuses Sydney but not with physical violence. She just yells at her and she hits me. I hope I get adopted soon. But I probably won't because most people come here for babies to adopt. No one want a 15 year old "trouble maker." Especially me.

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