Chapter Three

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We walked out of the foster home. Finally I am out of that hell! I walked next to the brown haired blue eyed boy. When we got out of the house he turned to me and started talking.

"She's a fake isn't she?" He said

"She's faker than Nicki Minajs ass." I said. (a/n sorry if you like Nicki!! I do too!) The boys found that funny apparently. It's true though. she is a fake. We got in the car. The one with brown hair and a cute smile was driving. He started talking.

"So Quinn, I feel like we should introduce ourselves. I'm Cameron Dallas. I'm the one adopting you." He said. Then he pointed to his right side to the passenger seat. To the one with beautiful blue eyes.

 "This is Nash Grier. He's like my brother but technically he is my best friend." Cameron says.

"Hey." Nash said. I waved and smiled slightly.

"And the one next to you is Matthew Espinosa. He's a good friend of mine." He just waved and said hey. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He looked at me basically the whole way home. I pretended not to notice. 

"So Cameron how old are you?" I asked

"I am 19, Nash is 16, and Matt is 17." Cameron told me. They are all older than me. 

"Oh. So Cameron do I like call you my dad or something?" I asked. I wanted to make sure so I didn't disrespect him.

"Umm, you can. Or you can call me Cameron. Because I am not really your father and I am adopting you as a little sister figure. And plus it would be kinda weird to call you my daughter since I am 19 and you're 15. Makes it seem like I got a girl pregnant at 4 years old. " Cameron said and everyone laughed.

"Oh that's wrong!" Nash said while laughing

 I sat there in the seat and thought my life with these three boys.

"We're gonna have to introduce you to the other boys when we get to the house." Nash said.

"Other boys?" I asked.

"Yeah. We all live in this huge house. We are all friends." Matt said.

"How many of you are there?" I asked.

"All together, 12." Cameron said.

"So I have to live in a house with 12 teenage boys and I am the only girl?" I asked

"No. 11 boys. There is 1 girl. Mahogany." Nash said.

"Who?" I asked

"You'll meet her. She's our DJ/ best friend to all of us." Nash explained.

"Oh." I said

"Do you by any chance know who we are?" Matt asked me

"You're Matt, he's Nash, and that's Cameron." I said.

"No. All of us 11 boys and 1 girl. Do you know who we are together?" Matt asked.

:Uh.. Sorry, no." I said.

"You're beanie says different." Nash said. I felt my beanie I had on my head.

"Oh. It's a girl in the orphanages beanie. She gave it to me to remember her by. She really loved the Magcon boys. I never really knew who they were." I said. They all "awww" 'd at that. Matt looked at me.

"What?" I said to Matt.

"We are the Magcon boys. I mean there is way more back at the hous, but yeah you just got adopted by Magcon." He said to me.

"Oh yeah now I recognize you!" I said. They laughed.

"You do?" Cameron said 

"Yeah." I said

"Do you have a Vine?" Nash asked me

"No." I said

"Instagram?" He asked again

"No." I said again

"Any social media?" he asked again

"Nope!" I said

"How do you know us?" Matt asked

"My friend that loves you. She has Vine. She would have me watch your vines with her every night." I said

"Do you not have a phone?" Cameron asked

"Yeah I do." I said.

"Let me see it for a second." Nash insisted

I serched my pockets and my bags. It wasn't there.

"Shit!" I said in a loud whisper

"What?" Nash asked

"I think I left it at the orphanage! She's gonna go through it and break it and stuff..." I said

"Oh. It's okay. We'll get you a new one." Cameron said

"Oh you don't have to-" 

"We're getting you a new phone. No stopping us!" Cameron said with a grin.

"Okay okay. You win!" I said

"We'll get you a laptop too. Some lighting equitment. You know?" Nash said

"Why do I need lighting?" I asked

"In case you wanna start making YouTube videos of your own." Matt said.

"Oh okay." I said. 

"Okay we're here!" Cameron said as he pulled into the driveway. We got out and I carried my bags into the house walking in with the three boys.

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