Chapter Eighteen

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So I uploaded my first YouTube video!! I am so happy. I got off YouTube and went downstairs. The guys were playing CoD. It was Hayes against Matt at the moment. Hayes was winning. 

"Hey can I try?" I ask. Everyone looked at me except the boys playing.

"What? Just because I am a girl doesn't mean I can't play a video game?" I said

"No, just, are you sure you wanna play?" Nash asked

"Yeah." I said

"Okay. Winner goes against Quinn!" Nash yelled. About 10 minutes later Hayes ended up losing to Matt. It was my turn. I sat down with the controller next to Matt.

"I go next!" Taylor yelled

I started playing and started shooting and I was winning. I kept doing it and I kept getting killstreaks and such. 

"DAMN GIRL CAN PLAY!" Taylor yelled. The game was over soon and I stood up everyone looking at me.

"What?" I said

"What..When....How?" Aaron stuttered

"I played that game with the little kids in the foster home. I learned how to play. With that I sat on the couch next to Cameron and Nash and got on my phone. It was going off with tweets. Instagram notifications, YouTube notifications. I checked my video. It had gotten over 1,000 views in 1 hour! It kept rising and I had 1,000+ subscribers!! I was in shock.

"Congrats little sis, you're one of us now!" Cameron said and I hugged him. 

"Thank you!" I said and I hugged Nash too.

"Why thank us?" Cameron asked

"For adopting me and giving me this opportunity. They smiled and both hugged me.

"GROUP HUG!" Jack G yelled and everyone gathered around me and hugged me. I checked my Twitter once they backed away. Positive tweets everywhere! I even had some fan pages! Which I followed. Oh My Gosh!!! @TheQuinnDallas is the best! I love her! She's been through a lot! She is so lucky!

@Quinndallasfans: @TheQuinnDallas: Follow Me!!!! I love you sooooo much

@cameronsenchiladasss: OMFG!!! @TheQuinnDallas just followed me!!!! OMG!!!

I was so happy! I just wanted to hug them all!!!!

@TheQuinnDallas: I just wanna thank you guys! You guys are the best! I am soooo glad this has happened and if it wasn't for Cameron and the others I wouldn't be here! Thanks Love you!!!!!

I then tweeted again.

@TheQuinnDallas: And P.s- @taylorcaniff STOP SCREAMING! Hahaha love you Tay! :) And @AaronCarpenter_ Come talk to mehhh babehhh!!! :)

I looked over at Aaron and he smiled at his phone and came over to me and sat down where Nash used to be. 

"So I your baby now?" He asked

"What?" I said

"Your tweet! You said 'Come talk to me babeh!"' He said in a mocking tone.

"Oh shut up. It was a metaphor!" I said smiling

"I know I know!" He said. Right then my phone went off with Twitter mentions. And They weren't good.

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