Letter 2

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Dear Hunter

We didn't have school today. I kept almost texting you for real. Today I was thinking about our summer. That was the summer everything with us started. We knew what we were doing was wrong but it felt so right. I remember how care free we were. We just lived in the monment that summer. It was a summer of trying new things and not careing about what would happen when school started in the fall. To be honest I don't regret anything we did. It made us who we are today. You made me start to forget about the rules and just have fun for a little bit. After our time was done I stopped forgetting the rules and stopped have fun. I when back to who I was before we happen but at the same time I didn't. Once in a blue moon that girl that I was that summer will come out and have some fun but she only comes out for a little bit. Sometimes I wonder what if we didn't have the summer. Who would we be right now. Where would we be. How diffent would our lifes be if that summer didn't happen? Would we have ever happend if that summer didn't happen? I wonder a lot about those kinds of things but I don't regret anything we did.

Love Augusta

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