Letter 21

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Dear Hunter

We need to talk... I know things now. I guess I should have saw it coming. I'm heartbroken because of you again...and you aren't even here. I can't believe what you did with Ave. I'm crying my eyes out because of it. I feel like I can't breathe right now. It feels like my heart you're broke because I'm literally having pains in my heart after finding out what you did. I trusted you two the most out of anyone but I guess I shouldn't had Trust both of you guys. I saw you doing something like this but not with her. I thought she had better standards and wasn't  going to break the pack that me and her made long-ass time ago. I won't be able to sleep tonight because of it. I really really want cut now but I know it won't change the f****** thing. On top of me finding out about this tonight someone told me to go die. The person who told me to go die it's someone I call a friend because I only have friends on my thing. So you and Ava backstab me but someone else did too but I don't know who yet. F*** this is why I hate people. This is one of the reasons why I have f****** trust issues. You guys kept it from me for almost a year. I'm f****** glad I didn't do anything really with you. I'm f****** glad I didn't let you do that thing we talked about. I I have no idea how I feel about both of you right now. This how I know I'm not f****** over you because when she told me that it f****** killed me. I won't be able f****** sleep tonight, I hope you're happy. Both of you are f****** Liars. I know Ava is going to see this to but I don't really care. This is me f****** ranting because I can't tell anyone about it. You and Ava and me only people that know, so I really can't talk about it. I could talk about it to my therapist but I just get this out of my system now. I know it's f****** human nature but both of you are way too young. You're f****** liar because you told me so much s*** but it's was all f****** lies. I f****** see what people mean now when I talk about you. Did you ever really care about me or was that just a lie. Was I really your first love I bet that was f****** lie. I'm so f****** mad at you right now I'm crying tears of anger. Right now I regret telling you all my secrets. you say I'm the f****** bad influence look in the mirror. I don't f****** get her she's a f****** hypocrite. To be honest she can do so much f****** better than you. I know I probably don't mean anything I just f****** said but right now I'm f****** angry and disappointed and I'm f****** heartbroken the most. It might be my f****** last letter to you, because you don't deserve me to take time out of my day to write you a f****** letter. I just say I don't deserve it. If this is really my last letter you f****** sorry that you don't get the happy ending in this book of Letters to you. I really hope by end of this little book of letters to you I would be happily moved on and you would be doing something good but I might be ending it on a bad note.

Sent 1:38

Hurt Augusta

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