Letter 17

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Dear Hunter

It is 3:25am and omg. You know how my sweet 16 is coming up right. Well I spent my whole day working on it. I ducking annoyed everyone today about it. Our friends might kill me thou because I blew up all there hangouts with Meows. I got bored... I got my homework done too. But anyways my brother Blake the one who lives in Alaska. Blake and Alexandra asked if I could go up there. Omg Mom said I might be able to. I cant belive it. That would be awesome. You are the first person I told. I really wish I could tell you about this like right now not when you come across these. I reallt hope that I can go up there. I haven't seen them in person since the wedding and that was the summer of us. I miss them like crazy. I would have to miss some school but I don't care to be honsly because when is the next time I could see them in person. Oh My God. I Can't Belive It. Well I got to go but I'll text you tomorrow. I'll let you know what is going on. I Love You....
Love Augusta
Sent 3:38am

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