letter Eleven

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Dear Hunter
I started to read a book on wattpad that makes me think of you. Some of things that happen between Lydi and James in book makes me think of things that have happen between us. Like how they stopped talking for half a school year or how they started off as being friends. Then there a other book that at first it made me think of us but then I learnt more things and it not us. Yeah the girl and ex best friend boyfriend end up together but they were push together because they both watch 6 people die and couldn't do anything about it and ex best friend was cheating on her boyfriend because he was saving himself for the girl that he marries. I getting into my books again. I can't sleep right now. Well I guess im going to try to get some sleep for school. P.S. I miss you alot. I hope you are doing okay. I hope that your life is going to start working out. I love you. Right now im trying figure out if I love you like friend or something more. I'll let you know when I figure it out. Goodnight my knight. Sorry i'm really tired, you know how I am when i'm tired.
Love Augusta
Sent 1:31am

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