Letter 24

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Dear Hunter

I'm just going to rant again because I am seeing things that I didn't see again. To be honest I know this will hurt some people but I'm just done with everyone okay okay. I'm starting to see people differenly than I did before. I'm actually starting to see who are my true friends and my friends that just sting around. I'm seeing you and Ave differenly. I'm seeing my mom differenly. I'm seeing everyone differenly. I don't know if it is a bad thing or a good thing. I think things are going to change alot here in next couple weeks. So far there is only two people I would call my family out of my friends anymore. I know when I say who they are it going to hurt some people but this is my letter and my feeling not there. I would say B and Kait our my friends that are family. I remember at one time I would have called alot more people my family that our friends but things have change. I went to see my therapist today. She told me that she thinks I shouldn't be friends with some people. She called mine and that friend friendship toxic. She said that friend is making my depression and anxiety wrost. She wants me to write a letter to that friend, so that what i'm going to be doing. I'll tell you who it is after I get done writing the letter to that friend and give it to that friend.

Mom might have gotta a new job but it is Nevada. Dad said if mom get the job down there, he wants to move us there. I like that ideal but at the same time I don't because one of our friends live down there. So I can't start over really because he knows me. I really do want to move. I have talked to B about it because mom is looking at the high school, but B and me have made a planed so we can stay best friends. I want to move because I want a new start and I'm just done with people here. Maybe if we move I can put alot of things behind me. I can stop having to relive things that happen here. Maybe than I might be able to become the girl I want to be.
Well I got to go. I'll write things to you later.

Sent 7:45pm

Don't know how to feel Augusta

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