Letter eight

21 0 8


Dear Hunter

I think I might start adding the time on these letters. So right now it is 9:34pm. My mom and dad our talking about moving again. They do this every year but I really hope we do move. I just need a new start. Everywhere I go there is a memory of you or our old friend group. I don't talk to anyone of our friend group anymore. I don't talk to anyone anymore. I'm not saying that I want to forget you or our friend group. I just want to move on in my life. I can't do that when everyday i'm reliving ever memory I have of how thing use to be. I can redo everything in my house and I still can see you driving by my house and sitting in my livingroom. I can see everything like it is happening right in this moment. I just need to leave for now.

Love Augusta

Sent at 10:05pm

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