Letter 16

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Dear Hunter

Sorry I haven't writen for sometime. Alot of stuff has happen seen I last wrote to you. I figured out that I'm actually slowly starting to get feeling for that guy I told you about. He is nothing I usually go for at all but something about just makes me smile like nothing else. I didn't see him coming at all. He came out of nowhere. I wasn't looking for someone but he was looking for me, I guess. I could see myself actually falling for him. There is something about him that makes me keep coming back to him. B did say I would fall for a older guy at sometime in my life. Oh yeah you don't know. I forgot I didn't tell you that he is older then by 6 years. I know a big difference with age. I don't care about age, I never have and never will. I thought thing were going great between him and I, but I guess not... Today we were talking and than I got distracted by B and a dress. So I didn't text him back right away. I went to text him back like 30 mins later and his account was delete it. I don't understand, what happen? I'm sorry that this letter is about another guy. B and I did talk about you today. We were walking me home after hanging out after school. Somehow your name got brought up in our conversation. We were saying how we never really knew who was your main girl and which girls were your side girls. I said that I thought Ava was your main girl and that everyone else were your side girls... So I was a side chick. But B said that she thought that I was your main chick and Ava was just the girl who held the girlfriend title. She thought I was one who held your heart. I don't really know... I wish that I was or am the girl who held your heart but I don't think I am. I do miss you alot. I when to my therapist yesterday. I talked about you to her. I should say I talked alot about you. She doesn't know alot about all the thing we have been though but she does know that YOU ARE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD. She doesn't know about our summer just yet I might talk to her about that next week but I don't know. She told me that she could tell that I have strong feeling for you. I didn't know what to say to her after that. She doesn't know that I'm writing you letters. I wonder what she would say if I told her that I write letters to you. I w ish that I could see you sometime soon.  I kinda hope that you will text me at midnight of my birthday and wish me a happy brithday. Just like I did for you. I'm going to be thinking about you for a long ass time. I will never be able to forget you.  When I go off to collage, I will be thinking about you and I'm guess that I will be missing you because we made plans for collage. Even when I'm old and have gray hair I will still be thinking about you and I might just be missing you. I'm scared that you will be the one who will forget about me. I'm sacred that you will forget about all the things we said and all the thing we did togther. I'm scared that one day you won't remember my face or the way I would bit my lip,when I was thinking about you. I have alot more to say but this girl is tired. I need to go and get some sleep and avoid dad. Well goodnight my knight... Sorry

Love Augusta

Sent 10:46pm

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