letter 26

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Dear Hunter,

so I heard you go out on Thursday. you texted me on Friday but I was in gym class so I couldn't text you back in time. I was supposed to have prom on Saturday but it was cancelled because of the weather. I was so mad that it was cancelled. But before when I was getting ready for prom before I knew were cancelled I was thinking about you I'm kind of mad at you for having sex with you know who. I really hope when I do go to prom in two weekends from now I hope you see the photos. So my birthdays is on Tuesday. I really really hope you do somehow wish me happy birthday. It would make my day if I got a text from you on my birthday. I don't even know if you remember when my birthday is. Today, I kept thinking of you. I don't f****** know why either. On Thursday when I saw the photo of you with your mom my heart stopped. I haven't seen you in so long so when I saw a photo of you I couldn't believe it. Everyone at school talking about you again. Now that you're out you could maybe read these letters to you. I'm no f****** idea how I feel about that. I wonder what you are doing right now. I feeling you contacted Ava before you contacted me. To be honest I kind kills me if you did. It kills me knowing that you and her probably back together. I know I said it a thousand times that I'm over you but I'm guessing I'm not. I hate that I'm Not Over You. I was hoping by the time you got out I would be over you but that didn't work. Hope when you look up at the Moon you still think of me because I know a time I look out side at night I think of you or when I see the moon I think of you. I feeling you're probably talking to her right now and not talking to me. I just love how that works out. I guess you two are meant to be. You know what kills me the most is that neither of you had the balls to tell me. I think it killed me knowing that I might never know if you meant a word said to me. If I could ask you only one question and you had to tell me the truth I would ask if you meant anything you said to me and if anything with you tell me what was true. So you remember when I told you I had to write that letter to a friend and I would tell you what friend later. Well that friend was Ava. When I was writing it I was crying. It made me cry more when she says she didn't miss me. Because writing that letter and telling her I couldn't be friends with her anymore was one of the hardest things I had to do in my life. But by her telling me she didn't miss me when I was on talking to her, you showed me that that I was never really her friend. Well I'm seeing B differently to now. She has no motion in her life anymore. The only thing she does anymore is read f****** anime and watch anime she doesn't go out and do anything fun anymore. I'm so sorry if it doesn't make sense I'm writing this by voice type. That when you speak what you want to be typed at least that's what I'm calling it. Did I tell you I got my cartilage pierced well if I didn't now you know. Did you hear about what happened in Hubbard. Well you know the vet's office where I work during that big storm on Friday night. Roof came off of the building and the building got blown down by the wind. The vet's office is closed right now. I really hope I run into you soon. Cuz if I do and when I do I want to run up to you and give you a big hug. You might have done really stupid but you are my f****** best friend. Yes I'm mad at you for keeping the secret from me but hey it's life. Did I ever tell you what happened to me in that one guy well you he got his account back but I told him I couldn't do it because he live so far away and he is forbidden. I haven't been on my account since I told him. So that happened. By the way I know you probably don't want to know this but I came this close to cutting. I didn't do it because I found out how about you and Ava but you wore a more things that pushed me over. I wonder how you're going to react when you read this if you ever do. To be honest when I write these letters to you it helps me. These letter to you have become more like a diary for me. I finally told my therapist about you and these letters to you. She really thinks it helps with everything that happens in my life. We're going to talk about some things now okay things that I want you to know about. Each time I eat I feel guilty for eating. Only thing I don't guilty about in my coffee. The only reason I'm not looking forward to my birthday party is that I have to eat. I hate eating basically everything now. yeah I know it has gotten bad. I can't get comfortable in my bed right now. My phone being told b**** to. I miss you. I know this letter is all over the place but I dont care. I hope you are doing good now. I hope you still think of me. Anyways how is your family? Do you like being back. I'm fucking tired. I dont know. Well i might be getting my hair dyed tomorrow. I need to get some sleep. So goodnight my Knight and I love you.....

Sent 12:20 am

Love Augusta

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