letter 28

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Dear Hunter,

I heard that you found these letter and found out that they are about you. I don't know what to say because I now know you will be reading this so yeah. At least you know everything I have been thinking about and other stuff. I have alot going on right now so. I don't know if i'm going to tell you or not. It was way easier writing these when I didn't know if you were ever going to see them. Well these letter to you are like a diary so I guess I'll just write as if you were never going to see this okay okay. I think I might talk to my mom and dad about being homeschool next year. I could do alot of stuff than and when I'm sick I wouldn't have miss school. If i did go back to school like my 11 or 12, I would look so diffent too. I would still do things with school but not alot. If I get homeschool I could even get ahead of our class. But anyways I'm going to talk about something else okay okay. I'm talking to you right now over hangouts. You ask how I was. I said Family drama and health thing but other that i'm good. I lied to you. I'm not good my mental health has goon down. I wouldn't let myself eat anything over 700 cal a day. I haven't told anyone but 2 weeks ago I relapes and I cut. I don't really count anyone as a true friend anymore.I don't know if I will call anyone a true friend for along time. I don't know if I'll try out for cheerleading this year. I don't really love it anymore tbh. My mind it a messy right now. I have alot more to say but I'll write later.

sent 12:05pm

Love Augusta

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