Letter 14

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Dear Hunter

Sorry I haven't writen a letter in a couple days. I have been busy with Academic Decathlon. We when to state, we didn't win but it was really fun. Next year topic is the 60's, I think it is going to be alot of fun. I'm going to start to figuring out what I'm going to write my speech on next year. I know I could of done alot better than I did. The only bad thing about Academic Decathlon is that we have to dress up and you know me. I have no dress falts, so for the last two days I have been wearing high heel. I love my high heels don't get me wrong, my feet just hurt like nothing else. I had to run in my heel yesterday, it was not fun at all.
B and I are starting to workout. Every other day we are meeting up and working out. We starting to do 50 of everything. We workout from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. It is really winding out right now, so that was fun not. I want to get in shape. I'm going to be working out everyday this summer. Maybe the next time you see me I will look different. 
Well I have been talking to this guy. I think I might like him but each time I stop and take a break from whatever I'm doing my mind goes right to you. I think I just want to like him, so I can say I have moved on from you. Yeah, he can make me blush like crazy but it doesn't take much for me to blush. My heart doesn't start beating faster or seem like it stop when I talk to him. It doesn't do anything. I have no ideal what I'm doing. I know I'm just going to break his hearts or he is going break mine. To be honest I have no idea what I'm doing.I just need to figure out some shit right now.
It has almost been a month seen I have last talked and have saw you. I can't belived it. I miss you.  Everything is changing so fast. I haven't talked to Bella seen everything happen. I think mine and her friendship is coming to a end. Freshmen year is almost done I can't belived that. I'm almost 16. I can't belived that it feel like it was yesterday we were all little 6th graders. 
Well I got to go. I need get somework done.

Love, Augusta

sent 9:18 am

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