Letter 15

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Dear Hunter,

Fuck I don't even know if I want you to ever read these. I know this is my second time writing you a letter today but I don't fucking care. Sorry I just need to rant and rave. That is what I'm fucking going to do. Sorry if you do read this one day.
Okay my fucking emotions need too under control the God damn steak. You're probably wondering why I just said that. I said that because it is true. You know all the stuff I said about that one guy right, well today I talked to some saying sorry I was busy and I fell asleep last night. He basically blew me off. He said well I should let you get some sleep when he knew it what only 8:00 at night. Like what the fuck dude. I kind of got pissed about that, and I have no idea why. Well other thing I did today was that I actually finish my guest list for my sweet 16. I put my birth father on my guest list, I know I can't believe it. I guess I won't give him one last chance to have anything to do with me. You know what I mean right? Well I don't know how you feeling about that. My emotions are very mixed up right now. I can't believe I will be 16 in a month and 13 days. My grades are still dropping. My mind just one cluttered place right now. I really wanted to invite you to my sweet 16 but I know you probably won't be able to come. Me and Mom are going to send out invitations real soon. I didn't sleep in at all this weekend. Oh my God I'm so sorry you're probably wondering why I said I don't know if I want you to ever see these or read these. I said that because if you see them or beat them, you'll probably think I'm some crazy girl I can't let you go. I probably sound like a crazy chick. No I sound more bipolar than crazy. I know this letter is all over the place. To be honest I don't really care either. I'm just saying everything that I'm thinking at this moment. I know if you read this you probably think to yourself who the f*** is this, if you do think that it's because I change everyone's names. If I do know you'll probably figure it out real quick. I wonder what you're doing right now. I wonder if you have played any of our memories in your head. I'm kind of wondering if you had ever had real feelings for me. One of the reasons why I'm trying to get fit right now is because I want to become your hottest ex ever. Oh my God that sounds so bad, I know but it's true. But now I'm only at 490 words in this letter. I'm trying to break my record of words in a letter to you and that is 1100 words in one letter. Little under halfway there yay. It's almost 11 p.m. . Mom is trying to get me a prom dress for my sweet 16 party. I don't want school tomorrow. I want one day to sleep in. I'm very tired. I think we'll have to do so I know I only have 600 something words but that will do. Maybe I will break my record tomorrow. Well I'm going to go to bed now. I'll try to write you a letter tomorrow. Bye for now.

Love Augusta
Sent 11:00pm

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