Letter 32

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Dear Hunter

I'm done playing your games. I have had enough of this game that we play. Here is some truth I thought you would like to know. I haven't had feeling for you for sometime now. You tried to play me this year and I was trying to play you this year. We were both trying to play each other like a game. I didn't know what I was doing until last night. It took me sometime to firger out that I don't love you. Thank you for getting into that fright with me last night. Yes you were my first real kiss and my first "love" but you will never be more than that to me. I'm really happy that I finally told you how I feel. I don't really think that I'll ever know how you really felt about me and I'm okay with that. Because if you ever told me how you acutally felt about me I wouldn't belive you. I'm done with whatever this is. Yes I'll miss your friendship but nothing more. I'm done with this chapter of my life. This is my last goodbye to you. I know this letter isn't that long but I have said everything I wanted to say to you. This is going to be my last letter to you ever. I hope you have a nice life. I hope you find that person to makes you want to be a better person. I hope you get to have kids one day and if you have girl that she meets someone like you. Goobye Hunter. 

Sent 1:35pm

One last time goodbye Hunter

Love, Augusta

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