letter ten

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Dear Hunter
Today I was writing a guest list for my sweet 16 and I put people into diffent groups like I kinda want there and must be there. I got to your name and I didnt know where to put it. So I made a new group the wish group. All the people in that group are people who I wish would be there but I know that can't be. So yeah. I got ask out on a date today too. I told the guy no because i'm not ready. You know my door to bedroom right. How I had all those picture and drawing on it. I took them all down today. You are asking why I'm guessing. I took them down because they were reminders on how things used to be. I know I can't run away from the past but I can try to put it behind me. All the pictures and drawing are in a box with other reminders in my closet right by my high heels. I talked to our friend Joe and he ask me if I am still going to kidmap all our friend this summer. I have been planning that for forever but I don't know if I'm going to do anymore because you helped me alot with the planning and not forgeting about it. It wouldn't feel right if you werent there. Well that is all for today
Love Augusta
Sent 11:35

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