Letter 30

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Dear Hunter

This letter was the letter I was going to write awell ago but I didn't. So here we go

To be honest I think you have seen this coming for sometime with the these letters. I think it is time for us to go our own ways. Yes I'll still write this letters but not as oftine. You and I are not good for each other. Yes, we have taught each other things that no one else could have ever taught us. Yes, we have had some fun memories and some not so fun ones to. We have stood by each other thought some hard times. We will always have our summer togther. Both of us have change alot since than. We aren't those two 14 year old kids anymore. We have to let each other actually go for real this time. I think I'll always love you because you were my first real love. But this is me saying bye to whatever we had. I really hope you find who you want to be. I know when you do, you'll know it and be thankful for all the shit you went thought. I really hope you find out what you want in this life. I might take you sometime but I know you will find what you want. I hope you will find the right person you're ment to be with. It might be a girl. It might be a boy. It might be someone you know right now. It might be someone you have yet to meet. I just hope when you find that someone, you don't let them go. Don't do anything stupit to make that person leave. This a hard fucking letter to write to you. I hope we do meet again but not for sometime. I need to frigure out some stuff of my own. Maybe over this summer I could frigure it out but I don't really think so. I have a lot to do before I could ever see myself being with someone. When we do meet again, I hope both of us are differnt people by than. This mean I might not message you back.

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