Letter four

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Dear Hunter
I wanted to thank you for being my first love. The day we started to become friends I had no ideal that we would have so many adventurers and I has no idea that I would have feelings for you someday. I remember the day that everything started with us. You texted me out of the blue and I didn't even know that you had my number. I knew from that moment on things were going to change. We started to text here and there. We talked alot more at school and started become alot closer. We started to tease each other playfully. The school year came to a end. To be honest I thought I wouldn't see you until the following school year. One night change it all for us. I was texting a close friend of mine and he asked me something. I was texting you at the same time and I sent the text that was meant for him to you. The text was very inappropriate and I felt so embarrassed. You just laughed at me it said it was okay. That night changed it all for us. If my friend did ask me that inappropriate question and I wasn't texting you at the same time we might have never have happened. Actor that accidentally sent text to you, we opened our new chapter of our friendship. We started to play truth and dare and 21 Questions, both games pretty inappropriate. One night over that summer we started talking at 5 p.m. and then stop talking until 5 a.m., then we we start talking again at 7 a.m. we started to tell each other things that no one else knew. You started to become my human diary. Over that summer we met up a couple times or so. To be honest I thought we were just flirting over the phone and nothing would happen when we saw each other. One day we met up at the park and I on the swing and I had my phone on the ground and one of my shoes fell off. You got my phone and shoe and took off your running. I kept yelling at you to give me back my phone and shoe. I finally caught up to you on the other side of the bathroom and I went to grab my phone from you that's when you kiss me. That was my very first kiss. You walk me halfway home that day we were secretly holding hands behind your your friend back. That day you were only supposed to hang out with him. That night we texted all night and for the whole summer we did that. We started meet up at the park anytime we could. We would talk and chased each other and make-out. We would go on this walk on the nature trail where no one would be. We did things on that trail that we will never speak of to anyone else. Then the school year came and I found out you had a girlfriend. I should have broke things off right then and there but I didn't. We kept sticking around until she found out during Thanksgiving break. Then the game of who are you dating started. After Thanksgiving break everything started to come out. You had multiple girls that you were seeing. Even after we all found out about each other we still kept going back to you. We kept playing that game for the rest of the school year. Then the summer came again, we would talk here and there. We talk on the bus ride to driver's ed and on the bus ride back. the summer was coming to an end and we start talking to each other again. Both of us admitted that we had feelings for each other but we said we wouldn't do anything about it. We stopped talking for a good couple of months because you starting to date my best friend. we would talk here and there in the classes that we had together. my best friend could tell that I still have feelings for you because I didn't talk about you often but when I did you could see all the sadness and love in my eyes. You guys broke up a couple of times.. each time you guys broke up you would text me and started to flirt with me again. After the last time you guys broke up, a couple weeks went by and both of you asked me out in less than 24 hours apart from each other. I friendzone my friend but I gave you hope that we could be something. We started talking a lot again. we got to know each other once again. You ask me to the winter formal and I said yes. We started walking around the halls every morning because we have no classes together. We were talk on Hangouts during classes. I would give you a hug for thing in the morning and I would give you hug you right before I left to go home. What text me right after I left school if I didn't give you a hug and you would say that I owe you extra hug. Then you push me away again and then you got sent away. I have to thank you for being my first love and first real heartbreak. you taught me a lot of things. you have made me who I am today. Because of you I have made friends that I don't think I would have if we didn't happen. we have seen each other for your break down crying Middle Road at midnight. we have seeing each other laughing our asses off at 2 in the morning. we have been through it it all together. I thank God that we happened. I don't even know where I'm going with this letter anymore. well I'm just going to say this one more time thank you for everything that's happened between us. I Will Always Love You and you will always have a spot in my heart. like the saying goes you will never forget your first love and first heartbreak. both of them teach you major lessons in your life. You might not know it at that moment when it is happening or has happened may not know it for years but one day you will look back and look at the lessons that person taught you and that heartbreak taught you. One day you will be thankful for everything. We don't get a say if we get hurt in this world but we do get a say who hurts us and i'm happy with my choice that I made. I'm hoping that you are happy with the choice you made to.
Love Augusta

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