Letter 18

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Dear Hunter

I still don't know if I can go to Alaska. Dad says if he can get time off that I can because he doesn't want me ride on the planes by myself. I have gotten alot of stuff done for my birthday. I have made the painting that the guys are going to write a little cute note on it and there name. I'm picking out the picture for my party soon. I think B and I will pick them out after school today. Yes I'm writing this letter in a class right now. The class i'm in right is actually the only class I had with you before you left. I'm sorry that I said I love you at the end of the last letter it was late and I was tried and you know how I only say and write the truth when i'm tried. Yeah. Well B and I are close again like we were last school year. I'm teaching B about Wicca. Its makes me so happy that one of our friends is actually wanting to know about wicca. I think B might become wiccan if she does that would make our friendship even more stronger. Well this class is almost over I have to go.... I'll try to write to you later.

Love Augusta

Sent 2:49pm

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