Letter 19

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Dear Hunter

I guest I'm not going to Alaska. It kinda makes me mad that I can't go to Alaska. Dad couldn't get time off, I can't go. I understand why but still I am kinda mad about it. I really wish I could go because I want to see my brother and his wife. I miss them like crazy. But anyways alot has happen since my last letter. I'm going to prom with B sister but as friends. I got my prom dress yesterday. Mom is happy about me going to prom. She acting like a little kid about it. Dad the one that is letting me go. He says that their is no reason for them to say no because I'm a good kid and I have good grades again. Mom thinks I'm to young and not responsible... Like why would she think that. She lieing to dad alot like what the fuck. She saying I have a big mouth because I have been talking to dad alot more. I thought she was the one that wanted me to talk to dad more. I don't really look up to her anymore. She isn't really things I want to be anymore. I kinda feel bad about it. But I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck like she does. I don't want to lie to my partner. I don't want to not chase my dreams. I want my furter kids to look up to me. I want to go and do something with my life. But I have to go i'll write you something else when I can.

Sent 5:38 

Love Augusta

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