Chapter 1

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Yui Kurokawa

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Yui Kurokawa

Quirk: Counter (From dad) and Cat abilities (From mom)

"Mom!!" I yelled, stumbling through the front door of my house, shaking slightly from excitement and adrenaline from the fight that had just taken place a few miles away.

"In the kitchen honey" she called and I grinned unzipping my boots and hurriedly tugging them off

"I just met the most amazing hero.. He was All Might incredible" I said dropping my book bag and quickly making my way towards the kitchen

"And he was so hot, I think I'm in love" I said laughing lightly as I rounded the corner to the kitchen, stopping dead in my tracks when I saw a familiar head of unkempt blonde hair

"Toshinori?" I questioned before letting out a little laugh and wrapping my arms around his thin torso

"Hey kid" he said amusedly, hugging me back. I frowned slightly at the state his body was in, he was even thinner then last I saw him and he looked sickly.. but he was sporting a pretty wide grin that put me sightly at ease

"What are you doing in town? I thought you were in Tokyo" I said excitedly looking into his electric blue eyes

"Did your father not tell you? Or have you not been paying attention at work?" he asked and I tilted my head to the side with confusion

"I'm a teacher at U.A. this year" he said and I felt my heart skip a beat with excitement. I had to put in a conscious effort to not bounce up and down on my toes

"Really?!" I asked quickly and he nodded

"Yay I won't be the only new teacher" I cheered as I stepped back

"I was glad to hear you were teaching too, I don't know too many of the teachers" he said, scratching the back of his head lightly

"Are you staying here?" I asked and he shook his head

"No I just got a place down the street from the campus, but I thought I would visit since I was so close" he said and I grinned

"I'm moving closer too, the commute would be obnoxious from here" I said and I saw my mom roll her blue eyes as she stirred a pot of rice

"Dad will be back in a bit, we just captured a villain but dad stayed to talk to the press" I said sticking out my tongue and scrunching up my nose

"You know, if you keep skipping out on them then you will never be recognized as a pro hero" he said and I shrugged

"I don't mind dad getting the credit, I don't like cameras on me much" I said and he chuckled

"You haven't changed much have you.." he said lightly, laying his large hand between my ears for a moment

"So who is this hero that is as incredible as I am?" He asked, puffing out his chest to the point where it was far too big for his small frame

"OH!.. I don't know he vanished as soon as the villain was captured" I murmured scratching behind my ear, feeling a light blush coat my cheeks

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