Chapter eight

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"Then I will go over to my place and pick up some things" I said before heading to the bathroom

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"Then I will go over to my place and pick up some things" I said before heading to the bathroom. I quickly changed before leaving and making my way towards my house. After an obnoxious train ride in which everyone seemed to bump up against my sore body I was finally near my house. Once I got to my door I opened it and let out a pained sign and lightly rubbed my left shoulder. I slowly made my way to my room only to hear a loud bang right outside the window. There ground shook violently and I nearly fell on my ass as I ran to the window to look outside. There was a massive crocodile looking man outside and my eyes went wide as he raised his arm and let out a loud growl before lowering his fist on the building across the street. I quickly stumbled back before darting out of my door and going to each door to get people out. Luckily most of them had felt the tremor and knew the drill when it came to villains but I ended up having to carry an elderly woman to the ground floor. I was about to shoot back upstairs to make sure everyone was out but I stopped dead when the villain brought his fist down on my building. I looked around for any other hero, the words of Recovery girl playing over and over in my head

'try not to over do it and under no circumstances do you use your quirk'. I growled in frustration as I glared up at the massive man

"Hey ass hat! Over here!" I yelled waving my right arm over my head to get his attention. He growled as he looked down at me

"What crawled up your ass huh? Or are you just grumpy that your quirk makes you look like a fool!" I screamed and his red eyes narrowed as he turned to fully face me. I watched carefully as he brought his fist down towards me with a surprising speed. I quickly side stepped it, just barely moving out of the way as his fist embedded itself into the ground. He pulled it out and pulled back to no doubt punch at me again but I jumped up on his fist and sprinted up his arm. I knew there was no way I would be able to hold onto his arm if he were to try to shake me off so I ran as fast as I could, trying to make it to his shoulder before he got the chance. Unfortunately he was too quick. I jumped up just as he moved to shake me off and was thankful when his other fist came up to grab me. I quickly grabbed hold of one of his massive fingers and swung my body up on his other arm, but it was much easier now his arm was bent. Once I made it to his shoulder I used his quirk to add some strength to my legs as I launched myself up towards his jaw and the moment my small fist made contact with his skin I focused my power again and used as much power as I could to cause some damage. He let out a loud yell as his head snapped back from the force of my blow. He started to fall back into the street behind him and my eyes went wide seeing all the people he would land on. I wracked my brain for anyway to stop him or move him but my fears vanished when his body started to shrink back to a normal humans size. He landed with a thud in the dirt, unconscious and I righted myself so I could land without injury. I heard yells and I looked around, worried that people were hurt but growled when I saw it was a gaggle of reporters. I turned my back to them and ran towards the mostly destroyed building and wasted no time in darting into the destroyed doorway. I looked around for any people but I didn't see any as I sorted through the large piles of rubble. While I was looking I found a familiar looking drawer and wandered over to it seeing a pile of neatly folded clothes that belonged to me. I quickly reached into the back of the drawer pulling out bag and stuffing all the clothes into it before glancing around for anything else. I only found two more things that belonged to me, one was a dress that I wore once when I went on a date a few years ago and the other was a pair of five inch black, thigh high boots that my mom had bought me that I had never even put on. I looked up when I heard someone yell and I quickly turned to see a familiar blue haired boy that lived in the apartment right above me

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