Chapter 16

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The next morning consisted of a scorching hot shower, three cups of coffee and a splitting headache but by the time we met up with the kids at the train station I was mostly recovered from the previous night. After sending the students off to do their internships Shota and I made our way to the school to work on various things. At midday I went to my agency and got everything in order so I could go back to patrolling. The next day went by just as quick as the previous and it was odd how boring work was when you weren't actually teaching students, but we really only had to be on campus doing work until midday while the kids were at their internships. I was about to leave campus when I heard quick footsteps behind me.

"Miss Kurokawa" the voice called and I smiled as I turned to look at the panting purple haired boy

"Hey Shinso" I greeted with a smile as he caught his breath

"I would like to take you up on your offer, your right general studies isn't going to teach me anything about being a hero, I need to work hard to get in the hero course so will you please train me?" He said quickly bowing his head and I grinned

"Yeah of course, but just know that it's going to be rough and I'm not going to go easy on you" I said and he nodded his head

"Well good, I am gonna start patrolling evenings so we can have short sessions after you get out of classes or we can do mornings before class, up to you" I explained, secretly hoping he would chose mornings so I could really put him through good exercises

"Mornings would be fine for me" he said and I grinned

"Perfect, here put your number in my phone so I can contact you" I said, pulling out my phone and handing it to him. He took it and did as I asked and I smiled

"I have to go back to class but thank you so much Miss Kurokawa this means so much to me" he said and I smiled

"Oh don't thank me until I get you into my class" I said and he grinned widely showing off his pristine teeth

"Okay I'll text you what time to show up later, I'll see you tomorrow Shinso" I said and he nodded offering a wave as he ran back down the hall. I grinned widely when Shota opened the door on my right that led to the teachers lounge

"Eavesdropping?" I asked as he walked up to me his hands stuffed in his pockets

"Never" he said with a small smile as he nodded towards the door

"Do you want to grab some lunch before you patrol?" He asked and I smiled and nodded

"Yeah sure" I said immediately falling in step with him as he walked towards the door.

Time skip

I rolled on my side and opened my eyes blearily seeing the dark sky outside. I peaked at the clock to see it was 5:15 and I puffed out my cheeks as I gently grabbed Aizawa's arm that was slung across my waist picking it up trying not to wake the sleeping man but failing miserably. He moved his arm from my grip and wrapped it tightly around my torso bringing me back against his chest

"Sorry I was trying not to wake you up" I murmured peeking over my shoulder to see one dark sleepy eye looking back at me

"Its alright, are you leaving now?" He asked and I shook my head

"No, just need to make breakfast and get ready.. Also the trains are fairly busy right now with commuters so I was just gonna walk" I explained and he hummed as he kissed the back of my head

"Alright, be safe" He said letting go of me and I smiled slightly as I wriggled out of bed and leaned over him

"Always, see you at work" I whispered as I pressed a kiss to his forehead. He hummed in response and I smiled slightly as I grabbed my gear and padded silently to the main room, opting to change in the front bathroom to let Aizawa get some more sleep. After getting ready for the day I grabbed my bag and keys and left the apartment walking briskly through the lamp lit streets to the familiar school building. I waited outside the front doors and smiled when a sleepy looking boy meandered towards me with his school bag slung lazily over his shoulder.

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