Chapter 17

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After the internships were finally over and much of what really happened in Hosu was covered up using Endevor, the students all returned to class, most of them excited about all they had learned in their internships. I took my seat in the back of the class silently, enjoying all the excited conversations the kids were having about what had happened. I was more tired than I thought I would be, waking up so early to train Shinso was more tiring than expected and I was finding it harder and harder to get out of bed mainly because the thought of leaving Shota's side each morning made my heart a little sore even if I would see him again in a few hours. So as I sat in the back of the class I closed my eyes and leaned my palm in my hand, the thought of even just slipping into a half-conscious state giving some relief to my tired eyes.

Shota's Pov:

I slid the door open and stepped inside, greeted with the sight of all of my students sitting quietly waiting for class to begin bringing me some satisfaction. When my gaze wandered to the back of the class I had to suppress my smile seeing Yui, dead asleep with her face in her hands. As I began teaching I noticed a few students glancing back at her but nobody said anything about her until Tokoyami raised his hand.

"Yes?" I asked and he pointed his thumb back at the sleeping woman

"Isn't the whole point of her being here to protect us from any threats? How is she supposed to do that if shes asleep?" He asked with genuine curiosity and I heard a few hums

"I bet I can wake her up quick" Bakugou said darkly and I rolled my eyes

"You are wildly underestimating her abilities, even alseep she is more aware of everything around us then any of you" I said blandly, trying to keep the bit of pride from my voice at the thought of how truly powerful she was. When I got questioning stares from most of the class I sighed and put down the chalk I had been using

"If this is going to distract from my teaching then go ahead, try to attack her right now" I said

"All of us?" Kaminari asked questioningly and I sighed

"Bakugou, Kaminari, Kirishima and Yaoyorozu" I said looking at the kids who could probably be the most inventive with their assaults. I sighed as I watched Kirishima pull an apple out of his bag and moved to a better position to throw it. Kaminari walked up quietly to the desk she was sitting at and rested his hand on the metal bar no doubt planning to shock her while Bakugou lazily got up from his chair.

"Are you sure about this sir? We could really injure her" Yaoyorozu asked quietly and I sighed

"I give you permission, just don't use anything too explosive" I murmured and she nodded creating a flashbang from her arm.

"Okay go ahead" I called tiredly and they all simultaneously attacked. Lightning surrounded her chair the moment Yaoyorozu pulled the pin from the flashbang and the instant the apple left Kirishima's hand. Her eyes snapped open and she moved out of the chair the moment lightning would have touched her skin. She grabbed the back of the seat and flipped herself around the chair, pushing off of the back wall getting her the perfect angle to land right behind Kaminari whos eyes went wide. She looked up and caught the apple with her hand just as Kaminari looked back to see where she went, his electricity dying down around him. She grabbed him by the hair and kicked the back of his knee just hard enough to get him to a kneeling position. Yaoyarozu's flashbang was the next thing to threaten her and she immediately threw the apple, hitting the grenade mid air and sending it flying through the barely open window. Everything was absolutely silent for a moment then a loud bang went off  rattling the windows as the flashbang exploded just outside. The loud blast almost concealed the much closer explosive bang as smoke filled the air. Bakugou had lunged towards the side she was still holding Kaminari, no doubt hoping that she would be slowed down on her left but in an instant she spun her body and caught his wrist, digging her thumb into his palm where a shock of yellow lightning appeared.

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