Chapter 19

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I woke up quickly when I felt Shota jerk next to me, but I just shifted around him and fell back asleep. There was a loud meow coming from the other side of the bed then a hiss and I quickly opened my eyes and looked over worriedly. I immediately sat up on my knees when I saw Shota gripping a clump of the sheets tightly in one hand while the other was covering his head protectively.

"Shota" I called reaching out to touch his bare shoulder but the moment my fingertips brushed up against his skin his hair lifted from his pillow and his bright red eyes snapped open. He was looking straight ahead and I was actually a bit scared.

"Shota wake up, it's just a dream" I called out louder. I was worried that if I touched him it would make it worse but I needed to get him up and I needed to cancel his quirk. I reached out with firmer hands and pressed down on his shoulders.

"No! Don't hurt her!" He yelled and I unintentionally flinched at his voice, it was so loud and full of pain. I closed my eyes ready to activate his quirk but I let out a scream of surprise when something wrapped around my wrists tightly. His scarf had a bruising grip around my wrists and it was slowly squeezing tighter. I blinked my eyes and looked down at him and I felt my hair lift from my shoulders as I canceled his quirk in the hopes of waking him up. He closed his eyes tightly and let out a groan but his scarf kept a tight hold

"Shota" I gasped and his eyes snapped open. He sat up and his scarf instantly loosen around my wrists

"Yui I'm so sorry" he said, reaching his hands out for my wrists but I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling the layer of sweat that had coated his skin

"Are you okay?" I asked gripping him tighter, thankful that he was awake again

"I'm fine.. Yui let me see" he said seriously but he still gasped for breath between his words

"It's fine, you just worried me" I mumbled when I felt him push me away

"It's not fine... I hurt you" he said snatching my hands up and holding them in the moonlight filtering through out window so he could see the bruises forming around my wrists

"Yui.." he murmured as he ran his thumb over the skin. I wriggled my hands from his and cupped the sides of his face to make him look at me

"I promise it barely hurts, are you sure your okay? Do you want to talk about it?" I asked and he shook his head in my hands, his scruffy beard rubbing against my palms

"I'm sorry" he said again but I shook my head. My wrists were burning fiercely and I knew if it had tightened any more my bones would have broken but the pain seemed dulled as I looked over Shota. His chest was heaving as he caught his breath and his eyes didn't meet mine. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips in the hopes it would calm him down slightly but when I pulled away his eyes stayed closed

"That's used to happen every night.. that's why I normally take short naps where I am still half conscious." he muttered almost bitterly and I frowned

"I thought it had gone away.. I never intended to put you in danger" he said opening his dark eyes and finally meeting my gaze

"I don't care about being in danger.. that's like every moment of my life" I responded firmly

"But you shouldn't be in danger of the person you sleep next to" he said running his fingers across my bruised skin. I sighed and wrapped my arms tightly around him and brought him back to lay down with me

"Let's go back to sleep and talk in the morning, Okay? Please don't be scared to go back to sleep I am a light enough sleeper if it happens again I'll wake you" I said burying my face in his shoulder but his arms didn't wrap around me. I frowned and loosened the hold I had on him a bit disappointed

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