Chapter 13

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"The first year students have completed all of the events for the U

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"The first year students have completed all of the events for the U.A. sports festival! Now it's time to relax and enjoy the award ceremony" Midnight said as fireworks went off above our heads. Pedestals rose from the ground behind her and my eyes widened when I saw Bakugou was strapped to a slab of concrete with a muzzle on, writhing around to get free of his bonds.

"Jeez.." I muttered, getting to my feet to see better

"Now let's break out the hardware, of course there's only one person worthy of distributing the awards.." She trailed off and a loud laugh filled the stadium as All Mights form rose from above us. I clapped excitedly only to get a light shove in the side from Aizawa who rolled his eyes at me. I giggled loudly as Midnight spoke over All Might, ruining his entrance as he landed with a thud before the pedestals.

"So now that your here All Might why don't you start the presentation" Midnight said, offering him the tree medals.

"Young Tokoyami congratulations, you showed great strength out there" All Might said

"Your words humble me sir" Tokoyami murmured and I smiled as All Might leaned over to give him a hug

"Young Todoroki, congratulations. Im assuming there was a reason you didn't use your left side though it cost you the final." He said, his smile still in place

"Midoriya opened my eyes during our match but then I started to doubt myself I think I now understand a little about why your so interested in him. I want to be the kind of hero you are but my path isn't as clear as I thought it was I have a lot to think about... and I still need to settle things with someone very soon." Todoroki explained

"Hmm, I've never seen this sort of look on your face before, I wont ask for details.. But trust yourself I'm sure you'll work things out" All Might said, bending over to give Todoroki a hug as well. He then moved to Bakugou who was still going crazy to get out of his bonds

"And now young Bakugou.. Hmm this is a little much.. Well you did what you said you would do in the pledge your true to your word" All Might said as he unlatched his muzzle

"All Mightttt.. Winning first place this way doesn't prove that I'm the best one here! Even if the world considers me the winner I refuse to accept it like this!!" Bakugou yelled and I saw All mights smile falter ever so slightly

"In a world where we are constantly compared to one another, there are very few who can keep their eyes focused on the top spot. Your one of them... please accept this medal even if you  have to think of it as a scar" All Might said and I smiled at Bakugou's furious face

"I don't want that garbage.. Get that trash off of me you idiot" He barked as ALl might tried to put it over his head but settled on slinging it over his bottom teeth.

"Here they are! The winner of this years sports festival! But listen closely, any of you first years could have ended up standing on these podiums, think about what you've done today. You've challenged each other, learned and climbed even closer to your goal of being pros I think the next generation of heroes is going to be our most promising one yet!" He yelled but I glanced over as Hizashi excitedly pointed towards All Might, grinning at Aizawa who held his bandaged arm up, no doubt wishing he could flip Hizashi off for whatever he was joking about. I giggled and grabbed hold of Aizawas arm, placing it back in his sling

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