Chapter 24

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I needed to save them, if anything happens it's on me.

"Mandalay you have to contact everyone!" I yelled as I sidestepped to stand in front of the remaining students.

"Yeah" she said, her eyes focusing as she activated her quirk

"Everyone! Two villains attacked us, it's possible that there are more coming. Everyone return to camp immediately we are regrouping. Do not engage any enemies" She said, her voice so clear and impossible to ignore

"This is bad, if they can't fight then what are they supposed to do. Running isn't always an option" I muttered, my thoughts boiling over as I tried to formulate any kind of plan. I needed to move, I needed to do something to help my class but for the first time since I was a child I felt absolutely helpless, completely paralyzed by fear of losing even a single student. They had planned everything flawlessly, whatever their plan was, whether it be to kill students or us teachers we were all so spread out that they could essentially pick people off.

"How are you this evening U.A. high school we are part of the vanguard action squad of the league of villains" The lizard looking guy announced and I snapped out of my daze instantly at the imminent threat

"League of villains? what are they doing here?" Ojiro's voice carried through the clearing

"I could crush this kitties skull so easily, how about it dear? Should I?" The other called over to us as he held his weapon over her head. Pixie Bob was unconscious, but it was no surprise with the amount of force she had been hit with. Bright red blood oozed over her pale skin, I could tell that I was not the only one looking by the tense students behind me. This was real and far more serious than the USJ attack.

"You get away from her!" Tiger yelled from my right

"Now now, hold on big sis --- and you too Tiger calm down. When deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that we abide by Stains principles" The lizard man said and I frowned. Stain... This must be the kind of people that followed that lunatic's ravings.

"You, all of you need to get back to camp right now, Vlad and Aizawa are there they will be able to protect you" I said looking back at the group behind me, I needed to check on the students in the forest and I couldn't if I had to worry about the group behind me

"Iida you are in charge make sure you guys get there," I said and he nodded. They all turned to leave but Midoriya clenched his fist and looked at Mandalay

"Mandalay, Kota.. I know where he is" He said and I chewed the inside of my cheek. The smoke in the air was effectively rendering my nose useless so there was no way I would be able to sniff out the young boy. Out of all of my students, I knew I would be able to count on Todoroki, Midoriya, Bakugou and Iida to handle themselves in a real battle. I could go with Midoriya and help him get the boy but there were so many others who were not as experienced going up against any number of villains. I saw uncertainty in Mandalay's face as she looked back at us and I frowned, she would never make the call. Midoriya was a student and it was her responsibility to keep him safe but Kota was her family.

"Midoriya go, but get back right away. If you come across anyone use your better judgment fight if you need to in order to come back safe." I said and Mandalay's eyes grew wide

"Wai-" She started but I shook my head

"GO, get him back I trust you" I said and he nodded, running off

"Can you handle things here, Ragdoll isn't enough to keep all of them safe" I said and Tiger growled, his claws extending

"Leave them to us" he said and I turned on my heel, sprinting into the forest. I used my quirk to see as far as I could in the dark, keeping my eyes open for any villain or student to cross my path. I finally caught a smell that wasn't a noxious fume and stopped when I came across a student from class B, dragging two of her classmates by their arms.

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