Chapter 7

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Aizawa's Pov:

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Aizawa's Pov:

I felt numb as I started to wake up and it took a moment for me to remember what had transpired before I was knocked unconscious. The second thing I noticed was the steady beeping of a heart monitor and the third was that I had a small weight on my chest. I peaked an eye open only to realize I had bandages covering my face entirely. I sighed, reaching up to move the bandages but my arms were completely set and I couldn't move them any lower than from my elbow. I listened carefully for anything and heard a very soft breathing coming from my side

"Hello?" I asked and a quiet, sleepy moan filled the nearly silent room.

"Yui?" I guessed disbelievingly but the name was followed by a squeak of surprise

"Aizawa.. Oh I'm sorry" She murmured and I felt the weight lifted from my chest. Although it was very small, the weight was comforting and I found that I missed it once it was gone

"Can you move the bandages covering my eyes?" I asked and I heard a shift of fabric

"Uh the doctors said your eyesight might be affected I don't know if I should be the one doing this" She murmured unsuredly and I sighed

"Please? I don't need a doctor to unwrap bandages" I said and although I kept my voice calm I felt my heart race with worry at her words. Something lightly grazed up against my cheeks before light flooded my vision. I blinked a few times to adjust to the new light but once I got my bearings I looked around, everything the same as it usually seemed. When I turned my head to the right I saw Yui, she had bandages around both of her arms and a worried look set firmly on her pale face.

"Can you see alright?" she asked and I nodded

"Yeah.. what happened? How are the students?" I asked and a faint smile spread on her lips

"Everyone's fine, Midoriya broke his legs but it was because of his quirk.. Everyone else had a few cuts and bruises but nothing too bad" she explained and I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding

"How do you feel.. You had me worried" She whispered, sitting back down at the chair beside my bed. I closed my eyes momentarily trying to remember everything that had happened and an image of Yui hunched over the top of me, blood coming from her mouth as her bones shattered came before my eyes and I quickly opened them

"I'll live.. Thank you" I said glancing over to her as her cheeks tinted slightly pink

"You really don't need to thank me.. I just acted as a punching bag to stall them" She said looking down at her clasped hand and I frowned slightly at her words

"You did more than that" I said but my attention was drawn to movement on my bed and I looked down only to see Muffin crawling over the top of me. I smiled slightly realizing she was laying on me before as she once again curled up on my chest.

"Sorry.. She really likes you" Yui said, moving to pick her up but I raised my arm to the best of my ability

"I don't mind, really" I said, my fingers itching to pet her. I looked over when I heard the door open and a nurse walked in holding a chart to her chest

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