Chapter 26

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Sorry for taking so long everyone but thank you for being so patient and supportive! I will have the next chapter out ASAP I hope you enjoy :D



"Damn it Yui open your eyes!"

A blinding light burst through the black nothingness I had been floating in and I instinctively shut my eyes and tried to scoot away, although arms stopped me from going anywhere. I slowly blinked open my eyes and saw a paramedic I didn't recognize as well as Toshinori hovering over me.

"Uncle?" I muttered weakly as I tried to get some understanding of what had happened.

"Yui you are so unbelievably reckless how could you do something so dangerous.." He scolded breathlessly. He looked beat up and was covered in scrapes and bruises, worry was swimming in his sunken in eyes as he shook me slightly. It was the movement that had everything rushing back to me in a flood of body aches and unbelievable nausea. I immediately rolled to my side and threw up on the broken rocks around me, almost getting it on the paramedic that was trying desperately to convince Toshinori to either let me go or carry me to the ambulance. There were loud voices and screams still coming from around me, it was remarkably loud and disconcerting, and as I slowly looked around at what was going on I found that I could only understand pieces of what was happening. I felt a wave of guilt was over me and I weakly pushed myself to a sitting position trying to figure out what I had done.

"Yui we need to go to the hospital" Toshinori said over the slightly panicked speech from the paramedic next to me as he pressed something to my stomach. I slowly looked down, curious as to why this man was touching me and why some pain blossomed from his touch when I realized he was trying to stop the bleeding from a hole in my abdomen. I slowly reached my hand up to touch it, I could see tissue and flesh that should never be seen in a state like this. It looked so painful, I felt as though I should be writhing around in pain but instead everything felt so numb.

"I wasss suppposed to meet someone" I whispered absently raising my bloodied and bruised fingers to inspect them, only barely registering how slurred I was speaking

"What?" Toshinori asked worriedly as he grabbed my hand gently and forced me to look him in the eye

"I feel.. I feel bad.. Realllly bad, I was supposed, supposeddd to meet someone right? I just- I want to see him" I said, my mouth moving of its own accord as I spoke. I listened to the words I said as if a stranger was speaking. Who would I have to meet up with at a time like this? Toshinori looked as though he was going to say something but the paramedics cut him off as the grabbed me gently and started moving me towards the waiting ambulance. They guided me carefully over the rubble but I kept my eyes down to make sure I was stepping in safe places. They laid me down on the bed and every time I tried to sit up they would push me back down with just enough force to get me back down without hurting me. Just before they were going to shut the door I saw Toshinori climb in feebly and sit next to me

"How do you feel?" He asked as he gently brushed some hair off my forehead, I smiled at the sweet gesture and briefly closed my eyes. When I opened them again, intending to tell him I was fine I found it was still dark

"Hey diiid the lights go off or sooomething?" I muttered, reaching up to rub my eye but I never felt my hand move

"Yui?" Toshinori's voice spoke and I frowned at how quiet he was speaking.. I mean when was All Might, or Toshinori ever quiet

"What?" I muttered, or I thought I did.. But I never heard my voice come out.

Toshinori's Pov:

I leaned closer to her, gripping her hand tightly trying to keep her awake

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