Chapter 27

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The next day I was transferred to the hospital next to UA in order to be closer to my home and the life I had before. I spent the next few days recovering, my mother stayed with my dad so he wouldn't be alone but promised to visit when she could. When I left she reassured me that I was in safe hand while under the care of uncle and Aizawa, and I believed her there is no way she would just leave me to recover with others if she didn't trust them with her whole heart. The way they spoke before I transferred hospitals made me emotional, they were comfortable with one another, they spoke as friends and while I was happy knowing that the man I had chosen was so close with my family, it made me even more heartbroken to not remember. Toshinori came as often as he could considering his retirement and the things he had to deal with now his true form had come to light. Shota visited a few hours every day but it only seemed to make my heart ache more and more.

I wasn't getting better..

He was a quiet man mostly, he seemed as though he wanted to talk to me about our past but was treading so carefully as though I may get upset or cry. So some of the time we just spent in silence together and oddly enough that's when I felt most at peace. No talking, no pressure of having to remember, simply sitting in his company made me content, even when I shouldn't be. All of my cuts and bruises had been healed by Recovery girl, she was even able to close up the wound though my stomach, but she wasn't able to bring any memories rushing to the forefront of my mind. I had seen the clips a hundred times, it was playing on the news regularly how could I miss such a viral video. Toshinori and I facing off against All For One. Watching myself get thrown around like a ragdoll made me wince every time, the aching sensations still coursing through my body when I moved.

The third morning after the incident I was woken up to the sound of the door closing ever so quietly. I peaked an eye open to see Toshinori and Aizawa silently walking towards the chairs by the window. It was obvious they were trying not to wake me but I had been on high alert since I was able to activate my quirk painlessly again.

"Morning" I mumbled as I rolled over, both of them stopping in their tracks and looking over at me

"Sorry we didn't mean to wake you," Aizawa said instantly but Toshinori just looked happy that I was awake. He had this faint guilty smile every time he came into my room to see me still here, still alive and okay. I knew he felt bad and no matter how many times I told him he shouldn't be he never seemed to really take my apology. It was almost as though he didn't accept it because I wasn't the person who was really fighting alongside him. No matter how many times I saw pictures of that blonde haired boy I didn't know anything about him. I don't know why I went to such great lengths to save him and I had no idea what it felt like to be out there fighting that night.

It truly wasn't me..

The person I had watched fight was so much stronger than I had ever been, I had never fought so relentlessly. I had never been tested in battle as much as that woman had. Every time I watched the clips I never saw it as myself.. Because it wasn't me. I was an underground hero that had never been seen before, this Yui was in a whole other league.

"It's okay I needed to be up anyways," I said rubbing my eyes

"We actually came to take you out of here," Toshinori said quickly, with restrained excitement

"What? Really?" I asked, leaning up slowly as to not aggravate my still aching head

"Yeah, after what happened to young Bakugou UA has decided to keep the students on campus in dorms. So Aizawa and I are to go around and talk to our students and their parents to make sure they are okay with the idea" He explained and I slouched slightly, feeling anxiety settle in my chest, letting out a small huff

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