Chapter 23

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Shota's Pov:

It was the night before we left for summer camp and I was on one last patrol shift before we left. It was fairly quiet all night but I was on my toes so when I heard a woman's scream I was off in an instant. The screaming continued and I didn't hesitate to jump down into the ally with two figures in it. I threw my scarf to wrap around his torso but he leaned to the side quickly as he turned to face me.

"Why don't you mind your own business" He muttered and I glanced down at the woman who was huddled against the wall in a nightgown that was hiked up her waist. I didn't respond to him, instead I just activated my quirk and and gripped my scarf ready to use it again as I stepped in front of the woman protectively. He narrowed his eyes at me and lunged forward, I easily dodged his punch and countered, hitting him hard in the gut. He gasped and coughed as he hit the wall across from me and slid to the ground...weak.. I wrapped my scarf tightly around him and kneeled in front of the woman

"Are you alright?" I asked, hearing the sound of people getting closer.

"Y-yes.. Thank you mister" She murmured and I nodded, letting her wrap her arms around my shoulders for a grateful hug. I tugged her to her feet and made sure her dress was down just in time for a light to land on us along with some officers. They immediately went to the man to handcuff him while I started to lead the woman towards the police cars. I felt her shiver and looked down at her noticing she was barefoot as well

"Ayaka!" a man yelled and I looked up quickly only to feel the woman push herself away from my side

"Gin" She gasped and I watched carefully as the tall man engulfed her in his arms

"I was so worried you weren't there when I got home" He said and I saw the woman shake slightly as she cried. I felt my heart clench slightly at the sight and I frowned, why was I even still here, the man was secured and already in a police car I should be long gone by now. Instead I felt frozen as I watched this couple reunite and felt a pang in my chest.

"I think this is the man that has been taking women from their beds, I've heard around the station that everyone thinks his quirk is phasing through walls or something to do with getting through locked doors" I heard one of the cops around me say to another and I frowned, what if something like that happened to Yui, and I wasn't around to protect her. My eyes widened slightly and I immediately turned to go down the alleyway

"Yeah, if this is the man we think it is, there are a dozen missing women that still havent been found. He must have some place he keeps them we may be able to find them all." Another said and I remember seeing reports on the news of women in their twenties going missing from their beds. I registered that there was a police officer in front of me asking me a question and another congratulating me but I just turned on my heel and sprinted down the alley. I made it back to my house in record time and I quickly stumbled through the door, not bothering to take off my shoes as I looked around. My heart thudded in my chest when I didn't see her laying on the couch or smell her cooking in the kitchen, I quickly strided down the dark hall. The door was cracked open and when I pushed it I immediately saw a tuft of orange peeking up from the blankets. I let out a breath as I walked around to her side of the bed and kneeled down seeing her peacefully sleeping face. Of course she was fine, she was one of the strongest heros around and nobody could break into the house without her knowing. She had only recently stopped waking up whenever I came in the house when she was asleep and that was because she had become very familiar with my scent. I reached forward and gently brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. She let out a soft sigh and blinked open her eyes

"Hey Sho, I put some leftovers in the fridge for you" She murmured and I smiled faintly as I leaned my forehead against hers and laying my arm across her waist

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