Ch 18 *lemon*

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This is like all smut so don't read if u don't want to!!

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This is like all smut so don't read if u don't want to!!

Shota's Pov:

I let out a soft sigh as I stacked all the graded papers in the correct order and put them on my clipboard. I got up and stretched my arms above my head as I made my way to my room, I was tired but the thought of what surprise Yui would have gotten for me kept my curiosity as I opened the door. Stopping in the doorframe I swallowed thickly at the sight presented to me, there she was, curled up slightly in the middle of the queen sized mattress. While her hero costume showed all of her natural curves, it was different seeing so much of her pale skin glistening under the soft glow of the lights. The surprise had obviously not gone as planned, or at least I assumed she had meant to be awake when I walked in. My mind raced with ideas of what she would have done if she had been awake but all of those thoughts were pushed aside as I admired the beautiful sleeping woman. She looked so perfect and so content in her dreams, I had seen the villains she took down not an hour ago on the news and it had ended up distracting me from my work for quite a bit. It made my heart soar knowing that the world saw her as an amazing hero but I was the only one who got to see her like this, so perfect. I couldn't stop the smile from creeping on my face as I pulled out my phone and and took a quick picture of her. Padding over other side of the bed I gently slid my hands under her arms to pull her up so her head rested on a pillow. Once I had situated her I pulled the blankets all the way up her and pressed a very soft kiss to her forehead. Satisfied with my ability to keep her asleep I walked over to our dresser and pulled out a pair of pajamas to change into. Halfway through pulling my shirt over my head I heard the now familiar sound of Yui waking up as a soft moan filled my ears.

"Aww I'm sorry Shota, I ruined the surprise" She pouted sleepily and I chuckled, pulling my shirt the rest of the way down my body

"I was still fairly surprised" I offered as consolation but I could still tell she was pouting. I turned to look at her and smiled seeing her propped up on one arm, resting her cheek in her palm. As expected, her brows were furrowed and she was sticking out her bottom lip childishly

"Well I'm awake now, and since you already probably figured out what I had planned.." She trailed off teasingly, sliding the blankets down, revealing more of her beautiful body for me to look at. I stepped forward and pulled the blankets back up to her shoulders quickly and I could feel her eyes watching my every movement

"Why so eager?" I asked curiously and she looked back up into my eyes, her blue ones shining with confusion

"I assume you mean other than the fact you are incredibly handsome and sexy, oh! And super attractive" She said, flopping onto her back with a small laugh, her eyes never leaving mine. I couldn't stop myself from smiling down at her as I moved a bit of hair that had attached to her bottom lip

"Yes, other than that" I said and she smiled widely

"Your endearing and I can't think of anyone else I would want to do this with" She said and I felt my heart leap in my chest they way it did every time she said something sweet to me.

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