Chapter 21

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After breaking the news that, although five students failed, everyone would be attending summer camp, I made my way to the station while Shota left to patrol. When I got there I saw my cousins sitting at a desk across from Sansa and another man while my mother lingered behind them. I walked up to her and she smiled looking over at me

"They aren't going to be kept any longer, since they had no control over their bodies at the time they are being released but since they are coming to stay with us your father and I have been put in charge of them and keeping an eye on their activity for at least a month" She explained and I smiled widely

"I'm glad" I said softly and she smiled over at me

"You know we are proud of you right? Not only for taking down and saving your cousins but also all of the work your doing at U.A" She said and I looked into her blue eyes curiously

"Of course I know that.. I mean how could you not be proud of me, I'm the best" I said breaking out in a grin as she rolled her eyes and punched my shoulder, probably harder then she meant by the surprised look she got as I stumbled to the side.

"Ouch, I was kidding jeez" I said rubbing the spot she punched as she broke into a fit of laughter, holding her stomach

"Sorry sweetie, I just thought that if you were the 'best' you could handle a punch" She said and I giggled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders

"I miss this, I gotta visit more often" I said as she leaned her head against mine

"You do, we miss you. Your dad is incredibly needy without you around. Hes comes to me whenever he wants to go try out new foods and binge watch movies.. I briefly forgot that I married a manchild because he was only really being immature with you.. Now I'm getting hit full force" She muttered and I laughed

"Sorry bout that, you should call Toshinori on his days off to hang out" I offered and she rolled her eyes

"That's just another problem, having his 'bestie' so close and not hanging out with him has got him all antsy" She said and I smiled apologetically

"Move closer?" I asked and she groaned leaning her head back

"But thats this whole huge thing" She muttered and I smiled

"Well you are getting three new members of the house, you might need a bigger house anyways" I said and she groaned again

"Don't tell your dad he will get all excited about it and basically make the decision before I can actually decide if its a good idea" She said and I nodded

"Deal, but if you do I can bring Shota over for dinner" I said and she glared at me

"You can do that anyways" She said and I smiled, mimicking her groan

"But thats this whole huge thing" I said and she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose

"You are the worse combination of me and your father" She muttered and I giggled patting her back

"I know" I said and she sighed

"Hey whos Shota?" I heard a voice and I looked over as Kai walked over to us

"I'll tell you later" I said and he narrowed his eyes questioningly but nodded, moving to wrap his arm around mom's waist. She immediately took her arm that had been wrapped around my side and hugged him close to her

"Wow, so you are just gonna ignore me now" I said and she nodded

"I remember when you were small and cute like him, what happened" She said and I puffed out my cheek

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