Chapter 25

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Yui's Pov:

When I woke up I scrunched up my nose at the harsh scent of antibiotics and disinfectant. When I managed to open my eyes I was indeed in a clean white hospital room. The sun was just beginning to go down and it took me a long moment to realize I had been unconscious for almost a whole day at least. I sat up, wincing at the pain that shot through my head with each movement as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. There was a note at the side of my bed along with a few smaller flowers that looked like they had been picked out from some bushes outside. I smiled as I ran my fingers over the slightly wilted petals of one of the flowers, Shota must have grabbed these, my parents would have been too focused on seeing me to bother grabbing flowers. I moved my hand to grab the letter and when I opened it I immediately recognized the three sets of unique handwriting

Yui, if I'm not here when you wake up I'm sorry I have been taking care of things with U.A. I will catch you up when I see you. Please call me when you see this, I need to know your okay. I love you.


Kitten, this is the second time you have gotten hurt and refused to wake up with me by your side. Shame on you. I stayed here for hours but I just got called in and I have to go. When you wake up send me a text. I'll see you soon


I got called in with your father sorry dear but I know you're in good hands. I'll be back tonight to see you with your father.

Love mom

I smiled faintly but my smile fell as I got to my feet, the cool tile waking me up a bit more as I shuffled around looking for my stuff

'I promised Midoriya I would get Bakugou back and I won't break that promise. I need to go now' with that thought in mind I pulled on my gear, ignoring the smell of dirt and blood. I grabbed my pouches, opting to carry them rather than wear them and leaving my boots to scrunch down around my thighs. Just as I tucked the note into one of the pouches I heard a knock at the door before it slid open slowly.

"Miss Kurokawa?" A voice called just as a familiar purple haired boy came into sight.

"Shinso, what are you doing here?" I asked, not quite able to hide the surprise in my voice as I reached up to touch the bandages that were starting to shift down my face.

"Well I heard what happened and I was worried, they didn't say your name on the news but it said a female U.A teacher was hospitalized and that could have only been you," He said, sliding the door shut.

"Also my mom was taking care of you" He added quietly as an afterthought

"Oh, thank you for coming to visit" I said smiling at him and trying to hide my anxiety for what was to come of that night

"Why are you out of bed? I mean shouldn't you still be resting... and probably not taking those off" He added, his purple eyes following my hands movement as I gingerly unwrapped the bandages around my head

"I feel fine, just a bit of a headache. Plus I can't sleep if the rest the school stresses about an incident I was a part of. I need to help clean this mess up" I said, choosing my words wisely as to not lead him to figure out my plans. Nobody could know, not yet anyways not until I was certain.

"I guess I can understand that, are you leaving now? I can probably get my mom to discharge you" He said, scratching the back of his neck and smiling at me

"If you can yes please, thank you so much Shinso" I said quickly and he nodded

"Alright, she should still be at the front desk I passed her on the way here" He said and I nodded as I followed behind him. After checking myself out and listening to the many warnings given by Dr. Shinso, I made my way outside. The cool night air felt so refreshing and I breathed in a few big lungfuls of that fresh air before starting to walk towards my house

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