cinquante deux - home

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Comments of hate against god so if you're religious and get offended pls know that it's just his characteristic and the character's opinion. Please respect it! Love y'all x


Jacob didn't expect that.

In a swift second , his dad's hand raised up in the air and came sharp across his jaw , making him hear ringing in his ears as he grasped for some balance.

"Jay!" Troye screamed , looking at his dad with shock.

Jacob's mind was going to all places , a small video of all the collective moments of Troye playing in rewind.

"That's all you have to do? Hit me and try to beat the 'gay' out of me? Well guess what? Not happening. It's not happening!" Jacob giggled as his heart raced faster. He knew that he would possibly be killed but he needed to get this through his dad's head - he was gay.

And nothing was ever going to change that.

Holding his son by the collar, Mr. Bixenman gritted his teeth, face fuming up with red rage as he said,

"Don't utter that word in my house!"

"What ? The word 'gay'? Well uhm dad, that would just make me wanna day the word more than I already do. Human nature," Jacob gave a silly smile through the pain that was spread across his lower jaw, marking the skin covering it to be superficially turned into blue and black.

Mr. Bixenman had not felt this amount of rage in a long time. He wanted to kill Jacob, stab a knife right through his chest. He wanted to just stop his son from this.

"You're fucking going down the wrong path! It's not what god has planned!"

Jacob rolled his eyes. He was scared, his whole body was trembling terribly on the inside but on the outside, he just acted as if he wasn't afraid anymore  because he needed to get this over with. He didn't need to act anymore.

"Do you really think I give a shit about god's plots against humanity? What has your god ever given me us in our life? He took mom away from us! He took my sister away from us! And he also took away my dad from me! I am not giving a shit about him anymore. It's all bullshit.  I still remember the day I lost my dad, the one who actually cared about me, accepted me, made sure I was safe and happy and gave two shits about me. I would give up anything in the world for my dad to come back to me!"

Mr. Bixenman's grip on Jacob's collar. Jacob's words just hung in the air like a hard blow at the elder man's self esteem and conscience.

He took a heavy breath as a voice interrupted them,

"Leave him alone, please."

Jacob looked up, he smiled.

Everyone else was there. It was like a mini revolution. All of his friends were standing up for him, fighting for him, helping him and he couldn't help but feel loved.

"What are you fucking teenagers gonna do?" His dad scoffed at them.

"Don't underestimate us. We could just fucking kick you in the balls and cut off your dick for fun. You can beat him up but you can't fight all of us, can you?" Dan said. He never liked Jacob's dad. Now he had the chance to just speak against him so he was obviously going to take maximum advantage of it.

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