Chapter 28

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Rose's POV

I wake up to voices, in fact.. familiar ones. I look around at my surroundings, of course im in a hospital , i think to myself... some how I always end up here.. I close my eyes again because according to the thumping in the back of my head my eyes should be closed since they burn. How did I end up in a hospital room? I thought I was at St. Vlads.... I thought I was trying to find...

I burst up from my bed only to find a concerned Adrian. Oh great! I need Ava... I have to make sure she isn't with Dimitri.

"Adrian, why am I here?" Silence "I need to find Ava" He looks up and a tear falls from his face "ADRIAN WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?" He stands up and walks right out of the room. what the heck?

Being the dumb Rose I am, I run after him like a tiger chasing its prey.

"Adrian! Stop!" I scream

By then we are already by the entrance of the hospital, he walks out into the sunlight and I take in all his features. He looks the same , all except one feature. His eyes. They are red.

NO NO NO, this cant be happening right now..... please this has to be a dream. Adrian cant be a strigoi, not now, not when i need him most.

I stumble backward and cover my mouth to hide my screams for help. if i, scared of him being strigoi and i'm screaming why am I covering my mouth? Why? because I dont want him to get caught, because I still love him. The words in my conscience fade away as Adrian begins looking at me like i'm a meal, I'm deciding whether I should run for my life or go with him.. run.

I walk away soundlessly and he dosen't notice because he is eyeing another meal. as I turn to run I am stopped by a voice

"Roz-Rose, what are you doing here" Dimitri asks obviously confused

"I could ask you the same thing comrade" I respond with a smirk. I cross my arms as he is attempting to find an excuse. As he is thinking of a response I remember the reason why I was running. Adrian.Chills run up my spine at the thought of him being strigoi and of him sucking the living day out of me.

Dimitri, noticing my change in expression, ask me worriedly "Roza, whats wrong?" He puts his arm on my shoulder and I almost melt into his touch.

"A-A-Adrian, h-he is a strigoi" I manage to say. His eyes go wide after learning what I have just told him. His expression changes from worried to mad.

"Did he touch you?" he asks, his tone is slightly frightening

"No, i'm fine. But he is here and he is coming for me" I say

Everything happens so fast, Dimitri picks me up and demands for my hospital room number 205, He grabs all the paperwork and my clothes and runs to Adrian's house. He bangs on the door until the door is answered by a sleepily Vika.

She scratches the top of her head and asks "what are you doing here?" She looks at us up and down and notices our expressions. "What is going on?" she asks nervously

Dimitri and I look at each other and I immediately say "We need to run" Her eyes go wide and she grabs her shoes and Ava's baby bag and Ava. I am such a bad mother... I have been letting other people take care of her and I've only watched her once... god i am terrible .

I realize i'm still in Dimitri's arms and I jump down and we all head to the car to escape everyone and leave behind anything and everything. We get into the car and once everyone is strapped in we head for our safe haven. Where , despite our differences, we can live and start a new family.


We have been driving for quite some time and through out the ride I Have called Lucas to let him know 'i'm okay and that i will call him once we arrived at this 'secret' place. Everyone is asleep except me and my old pall Dimitri. I grab my bag from under my feet and start going through it, my hands go around everywhere inside my bag until my hands land on a packet of paper. I lift the paper up and loo at the title "Results" I look over everything until my eyes land on one thing. Diagnosis. I look under it to see what it says only to find out that im.... no it cant be...

Dimitri looks at me and says "whats wrong" I grab the paper and show him, He looks up at me with wide eyes and says

"ROSE! YOU CANT BE!" he scans the paper once again and says "Rose you know what this says right? Your.." The diagnosis is covered by the sound of a loud truck honking


Hello guys!

sorry to stop it there but you guys cant know whats going on yet... sowwy! Guy we have reached 24,767 reads!! Thank you guys so much! Happy National Best friends day! This is for my two very special best friends


I love you guys so much, you guys mean the world to me and I dont know how I would survive with out you guys being in my life period. You guys have always had my back and i want you guys to know that there is not one day that oi dont have yours too! I swear we are sisters! We will be friends till the end no matter what stands in our way! who cares about boys and drama? as long as I have you two Ik its all okay. Three muskateers Unite Love you babes

Destiny ;)

well that's that (tearing up) so how'd you like the chapter? exciting right??! yah i know.

QOTD1: whats wrong with rose?

QOTD2: How'd do you feel about the newest member to the strigoi brothers and sisters?

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